Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Secondary education > Subjects teaching methods, teaching aids > Aesthetic > Music, dance

Wuhan Youth Band Education Survey and Policy Research

Author WanZuoZuo
Tutor LinNengJie
School Central China Normal University
Course Musicology
Keywords Primary and secondary music education Extracurricular activities Wind music education Wuhan Youth Band
CLC G633.951
Type Master's thesis
Year 2013
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Western band music in China has a history of more than one hundred years. School band music education is a major extracurricular activity and school marching bands have developed. Music plays an important role not only in education, but also social and cultural activities. Instrumental teaching as part of band education practice is an important link between all of these.In this thesis, primary and secondary school education wind bands in Wuhan are studied. By looking at the history of primary and secondary extracurricular education Wuhan youth wind bands and their current status through questionnaires, an exploratory analysis is conducted with the aim to provide useful insights into potential development for the future. This thesis consists of five parts:1. Introduction:This part contains rationale, aims and objectives, research questions, methodology and literature review. In addition, concepts such as band music education, music deduction and extracurricular activities are introduced and explained.2. Chapter1:"Historical overview of Western wind music", mainly from the perspective of the development of Western woodwind education history in China and the history of the Wuhan youth band. This historical review presents the specific changes to woodwind education since the beginnings of Western wind education in Wuhan.3. Chapter2:This chapter contains a survey of how two decades of Wuhan youth band education and educational policy guidelines have affected and promoted the development of various youth organisations, youth music training institutions and city bands.The main research question is answered through questionnaires given to a sample of youth bands. The results are based on the two surveys "Band student questionnaire" and "Wind band instructor questionnaire", in combination with the experience of the author, relevant professional band teachers, experts and collected research material. They are divided into "Current situation","Attitude and evaluation of band students" and "Attitude and evaluation of band teachers", demonstrating the current Wuhan marching band status and development.4. Chapter3:This chapter primarily focuses on Wuhan youth wind band education in schools, gives a summary of the current situation, reflects on problems as identified in the survey and puts forward constructive solutions. It also provides an outlook to the future, from policy to university teaching and the establishment of wind band music related services that can be managed within the primary and secondary education sector. The aim is to ultimately establish a scientifically based mechanism allowing wind band education practitioners concerned with youth wind band learning to develop a virtuous learning cycle.5. Conclusion:Based on the analyses in the previous chapters, a comprehensive summary of activity, problems and countermeasures of the Wuhan youth band education system in recent years is given here. Related topics for future research both in theory and practice are also provided.

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