Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Higher Education > Ideological and political education,moral education

Psychological Consultation Research about Ideological and Political Education in College

Author LiXueZuo
Tutor ZhangZhiWu
School Liaoning University of Technology
Course Ideological and Political Education
Keywords Ideological and Political Education in College Psychological Counseling Healthy mentality Function Approach
CLC G641
Type Master's thesis
Year 2014
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With the development of revolution and the increasingly fierce social competition, viewof life and values to college students are changing with growing up, so people pay moreattention to college students’ psychological health. Besides, combine ideological and politicaleducation and psychological consulting together, ideological and political education canobtain new knowledge and methods from psychological education parts and enhance abilityof solve practical problem, then deepen ideological and political education, and create betterpsychological conditions. Combine ideological and political education and psychologicalconsulting is good for development of psychological consulting as guide role. In addition,psychological counseling and ideological and political education has particular emphasis, thatpsychological counseling mainly enhance psychological quality, play psychological potential,maintain psychological health and so on; and ideological and political education mainlysolving emphasis on thought field, political field and right and wrong of moral life to enhancepeople’s ideological and political consciousness and solve problems of moral level.Furthermore, if combine college students’ psychological counseling and ideological andpolitical education together, they can complement each other, promote each other andimprove together, so that psychological counseling and ideological and political educationplay a twice the result with half the effect.In this paper, psychological counseling is deeply research under the ideological andpolitical education background. The article is divided into five parts. The first part is literaturereview, which expatiates propose and meaning of select a topic, and also concludes theresearch achievement domestic and abroad, and features and innovation in this paper. Thesecond part proposes the relationship between the ideological and political education andpsychological counseling, which related to the concepts of psychological counseling, thenmake sure the necessary of mixing the ideological and political education together explicitly.The third part, analysis the problems of the ideological and political education in psychicalcounseling deeply, and then analyze the reasons for these problems. The fourth part, analyzethe inner function of psychological counseling impact on ideological and political educationdeepen. The fifth part, keeping on introduction about the new model and path of ideologicaland political education clearly, and improve the effectiveness of psychological counseling,and then give full play to the psychological counseling in the function of the ideological andpolitical education in college.

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