Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Family Education

The Study on Realization Mechansim of Family Sports to Promote Family Harmony

Author GanQin
Tutor HuHao
School Anhui University of Engineering
Course Humane and Sociological Science of Sports
Keywords family sports family harmony realization mechanism
Type Master's thesis
Year 2013
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This paper aims to study the realization mechanism of sports to promote the harmonious family. Because sports to promote family harmony is to achieve the main function of sports activities by members of the family attending, In academic,it’s believed basic ide "family members to participate in sports activities" is "the family sports", which leads to the "main category of the family sports research", and further study on the emergence, development status and development trend of the family sports under Harmonious concept. It’s thought that, in the face of family sports gradually expanding, the rural areas and the western region of family sports facilities improve gradually, the family sports consumption gradually being fine, and the existence of family sports "model and individual","life","urban development","scientific and aesthetic","independent type to the joint development". Based on this, in this paper, the realization mechanism of sports to promote harmonious family, including four aspects of mechanism, implementation mechanism, market mechanism and guarantee mechanism. Mechanism embodied in sports can promote physical and mental health of family members, can promote a harmonious family relations, can promote family and social relations, can promote the harmonious family and the natural harmonious relationship between four aspects; The implementation mechanism is "government leading, family as the main body attending, school, community, family, multi-party coordinating. Through market mechanism by guiding the family to market and to promote the balanced development of family sports marke to realize the family harmony; and stressed that "legal, personnel and technology" is the physical security mechanism for promoting the family harmony. The research content is divided into the following three parts:The first part, introduction. Including the origin, the background of the research; defintion the core and literature review.The second part, the concept of harmony and the rising of the development of family sports. Mainly discussing the process of family sports rising in the concept of harmony; development status and development trend of family sports.The third part, realization mechanism of sports to promote the harmonious family. This is the core department, including the mechanism of action, family sports to promote family harmony implementation mechanism, market mechanism and guarantee mechanism.

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