Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Automation technology,computer technology > Automation technology and equipment > Automation components,parts > Transmitter ( converter),the sensor > Sensor applications

Research and Implementation of Wireless Sensor Networks’ Underlying Platform and AMAC Protocol

Author LiBo
Tutor LiaoYong
School University of Electronic Science and Technology
Course Computer System Architecture
Keywords WSN Smart Home Underlying platform MAC protocol aCoral
CLC TP212.9
Type Master's thesis
Year 2013
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Smart Home is based on family environment, and integrated computer controltechnology, wireless communication technology, automation technology, networktechnology, audio and video technology, information security technology to providepeople with convenient, comfortable, efficient, safe, energy-saving,environmentally-friendly living environment.This thesis studied the underlyingplatform and MAC layer protocol of wireless sensor networks for Smart Homeapplications. Developed the new protocol and tested in NS2simulation software.Atlast, implemented and verified the new protocol in aCoral which is a open sourceoperating system independently developed by our team in my laboratory.Wireless sensor network applications generally require the support of the wirelessreal-time operating system, to provide the funtions of resource management andscheduling, and improve the efficiency of the system. Wireless sensor networks’underlying platform, which is one of the most important research techniques inwireless real-time operating system,connects the upper software to the underlyinghardware.A proper underlying platform can improve the compatibility, stability,portability and development efficiency of the system. This thesis implementd AMACprotocol for Smart Home. According to the upper business, AMAC protocol providesthree different services: guaranteed point-to-point communication, point-to-multipointcommunications and guaranteed point-to-multipoint communications. This thesis usedNS2to simulate and analyze the three transmission modes, and improved the P-sustained CSMA algorithm, established two Markov chain model to analysis thewireless node communication. Put forward the new dynamic P-sustained CSMAalgorithm, theoretical analysis shows that the improved algorithm is better than theoriginal P-sustained CSMA algorithm.Based on aCoral operating system, this thesis carried out a detailed introductionto the implementation of the AMAC protocol, which could be divided into severalmodules: thread creation, priority allocation, stack allocation and inter-threadcommunication. At last, this thesis tested AMAC protocol, the results showed that AMAC protocol is stable and reliable to provide a variety of data transmission servicesas expected.

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