Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Radio electronics, telecommunications technology > Communicate > Communication network > General issues > Communication protocols, communication protocols

Research on Theadvanced Orbiting System Protocol in Deep Space Environment

Author DengHao
Tutor LiuYingZhuang
School Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Course Communication and Information System
Keywords Deep Space Communications AOS ARQ transparent HARQ merger
CLC TN915.04
Type Master's thesis
Year 2013
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This article is based on the key topics of the project for national863:"deep spacechannel model, the relay network architecture and communication transmission protocol" asthe background to do research. Based on the need for China’s Lunar exploration, Marsexploration, Solar probe and even the further exploration of the Venus, the Asteroids, theJupiter and other deep space exploration activities, research on deep space communicationsystem and its key technologies suitable for China’s actual demand will be done in the topic.The overall design and verification of relay network architecture for Deep SpaceCommunication, deep-space communication channel model, deep-space communicationprotocols, and deep-space communication asymmetrical data transmission technologies areincluded. The contents of the subject on the part of the deep space communication data linklayer protocol have been studied in the paper, including:1) In accordance with the recommendations of the Consultative Committee for SpaceData Systems (CCSDS) for Advanced Orbiting System (AOS), surveys on the content ofAOS protocol, the simulation system for AOS, packet format have been done to determinewhether it is suitable for the deep space environment.2) For Mars Exploration System, Study on the modeling of the radio channel, processfor connection with release of the link in the data link layer and Hybrid Automatic RepeatreQuest(HARQ) mechanism have been done. In the meanwhile, thorough analysis onAutomatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) mechanism used in the data link layer has been done.3) The cumulative confirm-selective retransmission ARQ mechanism, the partialwindow multiple rejects ARQ mechanism and the transparent HARQ merger mechanismhave been introduced into AOS protocol. Furthermore, analysis on performance ofend-to-end delay, delay jitter and throughput for improved AOS protocol has been done.4) Different ARQ mechanisms have been applied to the AOS protocol by OPNETsimulation software, establishing four scenarios. By running the simulations, the results ofthe size of send-window end-to-end delay and throughput are elaborated.The research paper has a high reference value for improving the AOS in deep spacecommunication data link layer protocol design.

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