Research on Fault-tolerant Topology Control Algorithms for Wireless Self-organizing Network |
Author | DengHao |
Tutor | WangDong; LiYongHang |
School | Hunan University |
Course | Computer technology |
Keywords | Wireless Self-organizing Network Topology Control InterferenceOptimization Energy Conservation Fault-tolerant Optimization-variable Network Simulation |
CLC | TN929.5 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2013 |
Downloads | 4 |
Quotes | 0 |
Wireless channels are shared by self-organizing network nodes. With themaximum power communication, node signal overlap with each other make the signalconflict frequently, and reduce the utilization of channel, which will influence thenetwork transmission performance. Because of the characteristic of the network andapplication environment, network topology changes with the nodes start-up, shutdown,transportation, energy running-out or interference with other wireless network, whichlead to the failure of connection or the network performance degradation.Topology control refers to a reasonable adjustment of node communicationpower, built with some expected global properties. This paper focused on theguarantee and improvement of network performance using topology controltechnology to build low interference, tolerable failure of network node in wirelessself-organizing network.The paper included the four main parts as follow.We analyzed and summarized the characteristics of wireless self-organizingnetwork. It was stated the significance of topology control, categorized the existingfault tolerant topology control algorithm, analyzed and discussed its shortage. And itwas also pointed out the reason of a two-dimensional topology control technologycannot apply with three dimensional network.We proposed a three-dimensional interference model and a topology controlalgorithm based on the variable optimization of3D fault tolerant(Optimization-variable Fault-tolerant Spanning Subgraph, OVFSS). This algorithmcoordinated communication range through local information, and select theappropriate optimization goal according to the actual circumstances of thecommunications environment. It could maximize optimization for interference whenthe network influence was big. On the other hand, it could prolon g the lifetime ofnetwork through optimizing the node energy consumption when the influence wassmall. It was proved theoretically that the network topology generated from OVFSScould minimize the interference or minimize the energy consumption on the prem iseof guarantee by k-fault-tolerant. And the simulation experiments showed that OVFSSalgorithm optimized the network performance well.The existing two-dimensional topology maintenance strategy was analyzed and discussed in this paper; the deficiencies were pointed out too. We extended2D to3Dnetwork through the simulation experiments to verify its3D topology controlalgorithms of the effect in maintaining topology structure. And we proposed atopology maintenance strategy for3D topology control algorithm.MATLAB simulation platform was extended making the topology controlalgorithms available. And a simple, reliable and commonly used simulation interfacewas proposed for topology control simulation.