Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Automation technology,computer technology > Automation technology and equipment > Automation components,parts > Transmitter ( converter),the sensor > Sensor applications

Data Management Adaptability Research on Wireless Sensor Networks

Author YuKai
Tutor XieZhiJun
School Ningbo University
Course Applied Computer Technology
Keywords Wireless Sensor Network Data Management Adaptability MobileSink Power Control MAC Protocol
CLC TP212.9
Type Master's thesis
Year 2013
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Wireless sensor network is a data-centric network, and sensor nodes are deployed in thenetwork of self-organization topology structure, which are responsible for gathering sensing dataand transmitting data in multi-hop mode. Data management system for wireless sensor networks isused for unified management of the data in the network, and it can not only shield the underlyingdata information, but also optimize the processing of the network data, achieving efficientoperation of the network. Different from traditional wireless network, wireless sensor network is adynamic network, which is often influenced by the environmental change, so it is obviouslyimportant to do research on data management adaptability.Study on the adaptability of data management on wireless sensor network has made someprogress, mainly on adaptability of protocols for each layer in the network, which aims atenhancing the adaptive ability of network, reducing network delay, and prolonging the network lifecycle, but there are still some shortcomings. This paper will focus on the technique of datamanagement adaptability of wireless sensor network, and carry out some research in severalaspects below:1. Mobile Sink Data Gather Protocol is proposed for the network layer of the sensor network,this protocol uses cluster network structure that can achieve large-scale network deployment. Wedo deep research about the communication mechanism within clusters and the adaptivecommunication mechanism between clusters respectively; the former proposes a cluster headelection and expression method, the latter mainly optimizes the data gather protocol based ongreedy algorithm, and puts forward data gather protocol considering the residual energy and trafficat the same time. By analyzing the protocol in a deep way, it has proved that the proposedalgorithm can implement global optimization of energy by local optimization. Our experimentresults show that the performance of the protocol is improved, and it is more suitable for the large-scale network deployment.2. We propose an Adaptive Power Control MAC Protocol for the data link layer of the sensornetwork. In the protocol, we build a power schedule table based on the number of optimal neighbornodes, which will improve the channel utilization and reduce communication energy consumption.Furthermore, we also put forward a feedback mechanism to let the interfering nodes sleep, so as toimprove the network throughput and reduce network delay. The experiment results show that the proposed protocol has a certain improvement in network throughput, time delay and averageenergy consumption.3. Adaptive data management system of wireless sensor network is designed andimplemented. Our application results not only show that the nodes we design consume very littlecurrent, but also verify that Mobile Sink Data Gather Protocol and Adaptive Power Control MACProtocol of wireless sensor network presented in this paper are effective. As a result, the adaptivedata management system meets the dynamic characteristics of wireless sensor network and has acertain self-adaptive ability.

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