The Design and Implementation of Realty Manage System for Beijing Aerospace Wanyuan Co.Ltd |
Author | DengHao |
Tutor | FengHaoZuo |
School | Shandong University |
Course | Software Engineering |
Keywords | Real Estate Management Scalability JBoss Designed Relize |
CLC | TP311.52 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2013 |
Downloads | 10 |
Quotes | 0 |
With the development of China’s economy, the needs for the food, clothing, shelter and transportation become higher and higher, the real estate industry become more and more flourishing accompanying by the raising demonds. However, the China’s real estate industry is laggard, and then the mangement of it is not perfect. In order to mange the enterprise, normalize the enterprise business, the Real Estate Management System is develpoed. The system is the core of the real estate enterprises, and it guide the develop and progress of the enterprises. As the change of the policys on the real estate industry toccurs, the enterprises experience the bottleneck of further development.Under these circumstances, the real estate enterprises should study the national policy, and also directed by the policy. It also needs to construct and mange theenterprises interior. The Real Estate Management System meets these requirements. The business of Beijing Aerospace WanYuan CO. LTD contains real estate business, then it should construct a Real Estate Management System to mange the business.The B/S rchitecture is used to develop the Real Estate Management System of Beijing Aerospace Wan Yuan CO. LTD, and the advanced JSF+Spring+Hibernate technology is adopted, the OracleRAC is used for realization of cluster load and load data. For the application server, free open source JBoss application server is used for the web application. The L4main equipment F5makes the load balance relized. Based on the aboved middleware and equipments, the real estate management system of Beijing Aerospace WanYuan CO. LTD is builded. The system is mainly contains two parts of subsystem, the one is the customer management, which involve modules that have close contact with the clients, such as contract management, sign management. The other one is the business management, which is composed of task mangement, supply management and raw material management.The data of Beijing Aerospace WanYuan CO. LTD is managed by this system successfully, a unified plan for the business is come true, and the enterprise can be runned normally acoording to the business process. The business data are also arranged through the system, and then the date are analyzed statistically, and ultimately provide the important data reports for the enterprise.Of course, the Real Estate Management System has a close relationship with the national policy and present situation of enterprise, and it should be changed with the variation of external factors. Consequently, the system must have high scalability to adapt a variety of situations.