Study on Control System of Prostate Biopsy Robot Based on PMAC |
Author | LiuJun |
Tutor | ZhangYongDe |
School | Harbin University of Science and Technology |
Course | Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation |
Keywords | prostate biopsy robot motion control PMAC programming robotlanguage |
CLC | TP242 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2012 |
Downloads | 1 |
Quotes | 0 |
Along with development of robot technology, robots have been used inindustry, agriculture and rescue and so on. Meanwhile the research on medicalrobot is a hot issue among all robot study all over the world. For that reason,aimed at prostate biopsy technology, this paper designs a motion control systemof prostate biopsy robot. The system has characteristic of easy handle, accuratemotion and inexpensive. The prostate biopsy robot system will reduce thedoctors’ burdens and enhance the relevance ratio of prostate cancer. The mainresearch contents of this paper are as follows:First of all, the hardware structure of prostate biopsy robot is built in thepaper. Each structure and function of component element is detailed designed.Meanwhile, both the hardcore of this control system, PMAC, and the basecharacters and parameters of PMAC are researched. Then the principle of PMACcontrol card is studied. After choosing the motor drives and limit switch, thewhole structure of prostate biopsy robot is finished.Secondly, based on the prostate biopsy robot, the motion control system isdesigned in this paper. From the master control interface to initialize interface,three control modes which are “teach”,“planning control” and “manualoperation” are designed and their functions and principle are compiled in detail.After that, the data storage, multithreading and timing of the software system areresearched.Next, the paper focuses on the study of the communication between PMACand PC. And then the real time control and off-line control of the software arecompleted through PMAC. In design process, the open and generality of thesystem are reflected fully. From the communication way between PMAC and PC,this paper designs the program of system initialize, servo power-supply control,electrical machine make zero control, automatic control and manual control with PMAC motion control card. And then the control task which is to control theprostate biopsy robot is completed.At last, this paper builds the experimental study of the hardware andsoftware system of the prostate biopsy robot. Through the experiment, thestability and accuracy of the control system are checked. Meanwhile, differentcontrol modes are used to control the robot to complete the task. And this provesthe reliability and exactness of the control system.