Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Automation technology,computer technology > Automation technology and equipment > Automation systems > Data processing, data processing system > Data collection and processing systems

Network-based Wind Power Monitoring Data Acquisition System

Author LiuYang
Tutor HanHongBiao
School Henan University of Science and Technology
Course Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation
Keywords Ethernet wind power monitoring data acquisition
CLC TP274.2
Type Master's thesis
Year 2013
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Due to the Run-to-breadwn maintenance and Time-based preventive maintenanceare always used in wind driven generators, both equipment operating conditions andproblems cannot be found timely and comprehensively which could easily leads to asignificant loss. In order to thoroughly grasp the working conditions of the generators,the force conditions and dynamic performance of the key components like the tower,nacelle, gearbox and main bearing; to analyze the working performance, life andreliability of the generators, a new kind of system for monitoring the operating statusand parameters of wind power is needed. However, the wind power farms are alwayslocated in theremote regions which have bad working environments, their physicaldistance is too large and so is the difficulty of the maintenance. So it is difficult todesign a measuring system for the wind driven generators.This paper represents the internal and external state of development of the winddriven generator, confirms the system features and technical specifications accordingto the environment of the wind power farms, accomplishes the designs ofthe hardware and software of the data acquisition card (DAQ Card) and the detectionsoftware of the upper computer. DAQ Card consists ofthe analog conditioning board,the acquisition board and the core board. It can be used to do programmableamplifying, automatic zero setting and the data acquisition upon6ways analog signals.And with this card, the Rms, peak-to-peak value, mean value and other eigenvaluescan be calculated. One way rotational speed signal can be measured by CPLD andCounter82C54. The upper computer can simultaneously monitor a single or multipleDAQ Cards in order to remotely control the working status of the wind powergeneration equipment.Theresult of the hardware producing and software-hardware debuggingexperiments shows that this system can work well and can make users monitor the wind farm more conveniently thereby protecting the units effectively.

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