Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Automation technology,computer technology > Automation technology and equipment > Automation systems > Data processing, data processing system

Research on GPRS Based Remote State Monitoring Technology

Author WanJian
Tutor WangTaiYong
School Tianjin University
Course Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation
Keywords monitoring terminal dual-core platform GPRS stochastic resonance envelope analysis fault prediction Ibutton
Type PhD thesis
Year 2011
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According to most of the enterprises had more types and less amount of equipments,under an integrated design idea and a framework of GPRS information managementsystem based on condition monitoring, ARM+DSP dual-core platform was used ascontrol core and computing core to construct a monitoring terminal. Internet orIntranet was the main remote communication means for the existing network faultdiagnosis and remote monitoring technology. In this way, the monitoring terminal forremote communication must be through the network cable and network interface,which made the monitoring terminal was greatly restricted in complex industrial field.In this paper, based on advanced GPRS wireless data transmission technology aGPRS remote state monitoring system embedded with cascaded bistable stochasticresonance, envelope analysis, fault prediction algorithm was proposed to solve theabove problem in order to realize the monitoring center can monitor many mechanical&electrical equipments remotely in real-time in the absence of network cable andnetwork interface.Remote monitoring terminal was an important part of the monitoring systemwhich played the field signal acquisition, preprocessing, storage, remote datacommunication etc.. Based on the ARM+DSP dual-core platform a monitoringterminal was designed to accomplish real-time continuous signal acquisition. DSPwas used as control core of the signal acquisition module, FPGA was used tocoordinate the A/D conversion and signal preprocessing, and high speed FIFO wasused to store data temporarily, through which the real-time continuous signalacquisition without missing any point of sampling signal was accomplished.The GPRS wireless module was introduced into mechanical&electricalequipment remote monitoring, in order to solve the remote wireless communicationproblem of monitoring terminal. Through the study of GPRS packet radio service andthe function, technical parameters of GPRS module, a suitable GPRS module wasselected. And interface circuit, control software, and communication protocol betweenGPRS module and server were designed for the module to achieve the GPRS modulecan access Internet.The main noise source caused by the magnetic field interference, electrical noise,background noise and other factors was researched and analyzed. Based on Multisimthe programmable high-pass and low-pass filters which can adjust cut-off frequency according to signal frequency were designed and verified to filter out the DC and lowfrequency signal, a variety of high-frequency interference and noise in samplingsignal, which can greatly improve the sampling signal to noise ratio and supply highquality original signal for fault signal analysis. Cascaded bistable stochastic resonancecharacteristic was researched. The algorithm was realized in system and applied toextract the weak signal feature of motor condition monitoring and diagnosis. Thecharacteristic of envelope analysis was researched. The algorithm was realized insystem and applied to extract the feature frequency of bearing fault data.A power plant coal grinding machine friction fault was used as an example tostudy nonlinear control theory of chaos based on discrete dynamical systems. Thefault recognition theory and experimental study were made on the running state ofvibration signal obtained from remote on-line monitoring. The correlation integralC-C algorithm was used to select the embedding dimension and time delay ofmonitoring signal. Phase space reconstruction algorithm was used to extract theon-line monitoring fault judging threshold. The fault prediction verificationexperiment was made to realize quick and accurate fault equipment prediction.In mechanical&electrical information management system the veracity of testpoint was very important. In this issue a route management system based on Ibuttontechnology was designed to avoid error sampling and omission sampling farthest. Anda corresponding agreement between monitoring center and monitoring terminal wasestablished. The communication of route information and competence informationwas achieved by GPRS network, which ensure the safety and effectiveness of data.And a route file management system based on DS1990A and competencemanagement was developed.

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