Development of Configuration Software for Engine Assembly Monitor System |
Author | LiuXiaoYang |
Tutor | WangDeQuan |
School | Dalian University of Technology |
Course | Mechanical Design and Theory |
Keywords | configuration software monitoring OPC Excel template datacollection |
CLC | TP277 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2008 |
Downloads | 7 |
Quotes | 0 |
Currently, real time collection of the data and data analysis and evaluation systems ofengine assemblies are monopolized by ABB in Sweden and Siemens in Germany. They arenot only expensive in the price,but also referring to the secret of our engine productingtechnology and the data security. So this paper developes a configuration software of engineassembly with independent sciential property right.This software bases on TCP/IP protocoland OPC technology.It can real time monitor and store the products’ quality、data of machinebehavior and data of alarming in the engines assembling process to real time database MISand history database PIS_NEW respectively.These data are showed in the configurationinterface. Contents of the work are listed as follows:1. Using C#program language、ADO.NET database technology、OPC technology andTCP/IP protocol to develop a configuration software for automobile engine assembly withindependen t sciential property right.2. This configuration software has been applied to K4type engine of Shanghaiautomobile group.It realizes to display the products’ quality and data of machine behavior inreal time,and the data are store to database for analyzing later.3. Employing the Excel template and DTS technology to customize a new monitorsystem of automobile engine assembly.It can construct a concrete engine assemblyconveniently and effectively.