Dissertation > Economic > Economics > Basic problems of economics > Sectors of the economy > National income and distribution

On the Criticism and Reflection of "Distributive Justice"

Author QinZiZhong
Tutor ZhangShiYuan
School Huaqiao University
Course Philosophy
Keywords distributional justice realistic human labor integrity equality
CLC F014.4
Type Master's thesis
Year 2013
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From the critical point based on realistic human, Marx reveals the general nature ofprivate ownership society to people: unequal relationship is constantly reproduced bya more alienated, universal way; and he asserts that the social structure willeventually be suffocated by its insurmountable inequality, and following that thesocialist public ownership as the inevitable trend of social and historical developmenthas become a new social system arrangement in the world. Unlike private ownership,reproduction of public ownership is equal, namely equality is not only a product, butalso as a kind of social relation of reproducing the product. Considering the historicalconditions and labor integrity, the Communist society has orderly experienced twodifferent principle of distribution. The principle of distribution according to work is theonly way which social history must pass toward the principle of distributionaccording to need, and its unique significance is that it establishes the uniqueness oflabor. The uniqueness is based on the inevitability that social history will eventuallygive labor integrity back to every man, namely labor integrity as an unity of threefundamental aspects of a form confirming human free and conscious nature, acapacity producing consumption materials and a product compensating for laborconsumption, has been realized in every worker there.However, the principle of distribution according to work is only the realization ofthe equality in form, it gives tacit consent to that personal talent is natural privilege,and then that the difference of labor income, of the family burden and of the extent towhich individuals’ free and all-round development are limited by socialenvironment.Therefore, in order to realize the real justice, rights should not be equal.The difficulties suffered by the principle of distribution according to labor lies in thatbefore the necessary historical conditions being not available,it was put intopractice,therefore it either be dogmatic or be misinterpreted.The relationshipbetween the distribution according to element and the distribution according to workis not the relationship between nature and phenomenon in the same historical period;on the contrary, element allocation principle is new form of distribution for capitalistproduction organization during the period of globalization while the principle ofdistribution according to work is the form for Communist production organization inits primary stage, the future of the former is the realization of the latter. Therealization of the principle of distribution according to work, must be worldwide. Inthe current world history is in the process of world history of the capitalist mode ofproduction, what we have to do is to point out a feasible path to distributive justice to people.

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