Dissertation > Economic > Economics > Socialist mode of social production > National income and distribution > Accumulation and consumption

A Study of Consumerism on the Perspective of Consolidation of Socialist Ideology

Author LiJiaRui
Tutor JingZuoZuo
School Zhejiang University of Technology
Course Ideological and Political Education
Keywords consumerism socialist ideology rational view of consumption
CLC F047.3
Type Master's thesis
Year 2014
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Consumerism surpasses human being’s actual needs and over advocates and pursuesmaterial possession. It regards high consumption as life’s basic purpose and meaning. Atpresent, the consumerism as a foreign ideology has begun to permeate into human being’s lives,which influences their life style, consumption concept and values. Consuming guided by theideology of consumerism, has detached consuming nature and actual living needs. On thecontrary, it aims at satisfying people’s fake needs and consuming greed. As consumerismspreads continuously, on the one hand it causes serious ecological crisis, on the other hand, itaggravates mental crisis and add to the materialistic mood of society, then it seriouslyinfluences human being’s freedom and comprehensive development. Especially, it decreasespeople’s theoretical and emotional cognition of social ideology. What’s more, it brings severechallenges on the construction of socialist ideology.In order to consolidate the socialist ideology, we should boycott of consumerism.Specifically, first of all, we should set up the rational consumption, build sustainableconsumption ethics, improve consuming structure and promote its levels. At the same time, wehave to deepen the theoretical study of socialist ideology system and connect it with culturalconstruction to further improve the construction of socialist society. Furthermore, we have tostrengthen the education of socialist society and connect it with citizen education and cultureeducation so as to foster human being’s development and the further cognition of socialistsociety. Thus, we can fundamentally strengthen the main attraction and cohesion of socialistsociety so as to further consolidate the leading status of socialist society.

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