Dissertation > Economic > Economics > Branch of science in Economics > Technical economics

Incentive Mechanism for Knowledge Sharing in Project Management

Author ZhuChangSong
Tutor MaiYong; YangQing
School East China University of Science and Technology
Course Project Management
Keywords project management knowledge sharing influencing factors incentivemechanism BSC trust and respect
CLC F062.4
Type Master's thesis
Year 2014
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Project management is to apply a variety of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet the requirements of the project. The key to effective teamwork is knowledge sharing. In the research process, we found some shortcomings in the existing knowledge sharing incentive mechanism:1. In the design of knowledge sharing incentive mechanism, it does not fully take into account that the employees have needs of trust, security, fairness, and self-fulfillment.2. Poor definition of knowledge sharing procedure in Project Management and the lacking of specificity in the proposed factors and knowledge sharing incentive mechanisms.3. Ignorance of cultural factors that influence knowledge sharing environment. The majority of knowledge sharing is theories while practical evidence is limited.4. Attention has not been fully paid for psychological factors of’knowledge Sharing Circle’, which leads to less practical guidance in incentive mechanisms.The paper proposes knowledge sharing mechanisms that provides solutions to shortcomings mentioned above:The paper constructed an incentive mechanism model. It has a logical start of personal and team goals achievements, with a means for knowledge-sharing incentives, and an ultimate goal to promote the sharing of knowledge in project management. The proposal is base on this model, and is sorted by influencing factors in the project management cases of knowledge sharing activities in practice according to the Balanced Scorecard performance management principles. Quantified reward incentive mechanism is built to measure knowledge sharing. Meanwhile, a corporate culture is built from the faith and mutual trust, respect knowledge, sharing knowledge vision. Chapter Five of this paper is a summary, noting that the lack of this article and the next prospect.

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