Dissertation > Economic > Economics > Branch of science in Economics > Other

Experimental study on the asymmetric benefit nested social dilemma under the cooperation

Author GuoSiWei
Tutor HuangZhanBing
School Shaanxi Normal University
Course Political Economics
Keywords Public Goods Experiments Nested Social Dilemmas MPCR Conditional Cooperation
CLC F069.9
Type Master's thesis
Year 2013
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The plight of public goods has long been the object of economics, management science, sociology and many other subjects which is concerning and discussing. By the introduction of experimental economics from the1970s to the very present, experimental study of the public goods has got much results. However, most of the research were limited in dilemmas between individuals and groups, while in reality, organizations and social structure are rarely so simple that contains only two levels of individuals and groups, more commonly nested case, which is, not only including individual members of a group, but also multiple groups constitute a larger collective group nested within the collective, sometimes even multiple nested relations, such a hierarchical social structure social dilemma is called Nested Social Dilemmas, referred to NSD. The only two levels of public goods is no longer a single public goods, but facing the local public goods of a small group and large groups of global public goods environment. To maximize the global benefits, it will related to the problem of inter-regional cooperation. However, the phenomenon of asymmetric benefit often refer to inter-regional cooperation, such as family support in city community, roads and other infrastructure between adjacent villages, pollution control of the entire river downstream, cooperation of corporate and government departments, or even regional cooperation crossing cities. In this phenomenon, gains from cooperation are generally not equal to different groups, that asymmetrical benefits increase the complexity of inter-regional cooperation, making it more difficult. Foreign study of NSD public goods experiments is quite a few, while domestic yet has not relevant this literature. This study used experimental economics, by setting four different sets of differences MPCR in voluntary contribution mechanism to examine whether the continuing cooperation in the VCM mechanism in nested social dilemmas can effectively maintain. Roughly get the following conclusions:(1) The first round of nested environment contributed significantly greater than0which is the same as single public goods, and the contribution is still controlled by the law of diminishing over time.(2)Facing the contribution of public goods, the subjects are more willing to contribute to the local public goods, but when global efficiency> local efficiency, at the beginning of the experiment, subjects were more inclined to contributing to global public goods, while later than, local public goods contributed higher than the global public goods.(3) In the nested social dilemmas, MPCR level of contribution still has a positive effect to public goods. It shows that the greater the gap between different MPCR levels, the less conducive to the provision of public goods. In accordance with the reality conclusion of which income inequality affects economic growth.(4) The same as a single public goods, conditional cooperation behavior in the public goods game is still significant. Test as a reference "condition" is the focus of this section. This article take the group’s average contribution of the first one (Max/Min), an average contribution of another group (Max/Min) and the average contribution (Max/Min) of the whole group as the nine variable as a reference objects. After empirical study, we found that among the average, maximum and minimum values of the contribution, the impacts of the next issue of decision-making is the average> Min> Max. Also it shows that among these nine variables, the most significant impact is the average contribution of the whole group. This conclusion is a good explanation of the phenomenon that cooperation levels is diminished over time in the conclusions (1).This study has innovatively introduced experimental economics into the study of regional policy, And to some extent, filled the domestic blank of public goods experimental studies in NSD case, Enriched the law of the MPCR contribution to public goods. In the study of the conditions of cooperative behavior, also gave more comprehensive empirical evidence in choosing of the reference objects.

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