Dissertation > Economic > Agricultural economy > Agricultural economic theory > Land Economics > Land management, planning and

Study on the Evaluation of Land Consolidation Potential of the County

Author LiZuoZuo
Tutor WuRongTao
School Henan Agricultural University
Course Management of land resources
Keywords land consolidation individual potential comprehensive potential potential Wuyang County
CLC F301.2
Type Master's thesis
Year 2013
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Land consolidation is a principal method to improve the land resourcessupport capacity and to solve the problem of land resource security. The evaluation ofland consolidation potential is the basic work of land consolidation,is delineated basedland remediation project area, and the fundamental basis for land consolidation planning,it is necessary to carry out land consolidation potential study for the scientific andreasonable land remediation activities. In this text, taking Wuyang County as an example,Comprehensive experiments have been performed to study the land consolidationpotential.Based on the study of domestic and foreign related theory, method and practice ofregulation, and in terms of the service point in the preparation of the land consolidationplanning of Wuyang County,the study of Wuyang land consolidation potential evaluationshould make full use of the second land survey results in2010and the land change surveyresults. The main contents and conclusions include the following:1.Introduced the theories related to the regulation of land and the domestic andforeign research methods, meaning for the land consolidation potential evaluation and theland consolidation. Discussed the current situation of natural, economic conditions andland use problems and situation in the study area, to provide a theoretical basis for theevaluation of land consolidation potential.2.The14towns in Wuyang County as basic assessment unit for rectification ofindividual potential evaluation, including agricultural land consolidation potential, ruralconstruction land consolidation potential, land reclamation potential, land developmentpotential and the improvement of cultivated land quality potential. Among them, using themethod of standard coefficient of cultivated land to calculate the new arable land ofAgricultural land consolidation; using the land per capita standard measurement tocalculate the rural construction land leases potential area, and comprehenfensive correctthe result; suitability evaluate the reclaimed land and the development land, the mainevaluation of arable land, and cultivated land coefficient as a potential classificationstandard; using the productivity potential to represent the quality of cultivated landpotential.3. The14towns in Wuyang County as basic assessment unit for the comprehensiverenovation potential evaluation. Based on the land consolidation of individual potential,using multi-factor comprehensive evaluation method to comprehensive evaluate thequality and quantity of regulation of Wuyang county land; consider each evaluation unit economy, society and land use and other external conditions, to establish comprehensiveevaluation correction system to revise the comprehensive potential. Will Wuyang CountyLand Consolidation comprehensive potential is divided into three levels.4.Conclusion and discussion. The result of land consolidation comprehensivepotential and individual potential are analyzed and discussed, and provide the basis forland consolidation planning of Wuyang county. Discusses the deficiencies of evaluationmethods of land consolidation potential in this study and further research areas, toprovide references for the research of land consolidation potential for other regional space.

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