Dissertation > Economic > Agricultural economy > China 's agricultural economy > Construction and development of agricultural economy > Intensive farming, a variety of operations, comprehensive development

The Research of Development Ideas of the Casual Agriculture Inthehuiji District Zhengzhou City

Author LiuYinLi
Tutor LuHuaiKun
School Henan Agricultural University
Course Agricultural Extension
Keywords Huiji District Zhengzhou City Casual agriculture Suggestions
CLC F323.4
Type Master's thesis
Year 2013
Downloads 32
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With the development of the China’s economic and the acceleration of theurbanization,and the competition is becoming increasingly fierce, people will alsospeed up thepace of life;At the same time, the level of productivity has been greatlyimproved with the advancement of science and technology, and the people is creatingmore and more wealth, the leisure time that people no longer run around for living isgradually increasing.The needs that people take part in leisure activities,in touch withnature, return to a frugal life are all rapidly growing.People in particular hope to beable to relax themselves in a typical rural environment. People are yearning to returnto nature, a return to basics, which is promoting eco-tourism, leisure and agriculturaleco-tourism quietly rising in the international arena. Thus, a new type of industrybetween edge of the agriculture and tourism including the leisure orchards came intobeing, which has expanded a new space that is the development of the agricultural andhas opened up a new area of tourism development.In addition, with the development and planning of Central Plains Economic Zoneand the metropolitan area of Zhengzhou, leisure time has come in Zhengzhou city,Zhengzhou is facing a trend of consumption spillover. Huiji District is known as the"green lung" of Zhengzhou City and "healthy banks" of Zhengzhou people, whichrelying on a beautiful ecological environment, as a "national ecological demonstrationzones pilot”, it is the first place that the public choose to leisure,vacation and living.Huiji District undertake the good opportunities to urban area consumer spillover, candevelop into an important functional blocks of Zhengzhou metropolitan area.This paper discusses thestudyofthedevelopmentideas ofcasual agricultural ininHuiji District Zhengzhou City, firstinspect alargeamountofliterature, drawtheexperienceofthesuccess storiesofdomestic and internationalcasual agricultural,andhave a in-depthresearchofthecasual agriculturalinHuiji District Zhengzhou City,identify casual agricultural’s type of developmentand the development ofthe statusquo, on this basis, find the problems in thedevelopmentprocess.Finally,theadvantagesandlearn fromtheexperienceofdeveloped areascasual agricultural,development ideasproposedcasual agriculturalinHuiji District Zhengzhou City, andthen put forwardsome countermeasuresfortheconstructionofcasual agricultural withChinese characteristicsideas.It willplay aguiding role inthehealthydevelopmentofHuijiDistrict ZhengzhouCity,it wil have an important practicalsignificance to GuideChina’scasual agricultural constructionto the scientific,standardized andinstitutionalizeddirection ofdevelopment.

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