Dissertation > Economic > Industrial economy > China Industrial Economy > The local industrial economy

The Research of Min Quan’s Refrigerant Industrial Clusters

Author LiRuiYing
Tutor WuYiPing
School Henan Agricultural University
Course Business Administration
Keywords Industrial agglomeration area Industrial cluster refrigerant
CLC F427
Type Master's thesis
Year 2013
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Being one of the state-level poverty-stricken counties, Min QuanCounty, an original large agricultural county, has low level of industrial development.Its industry once was the province’s last one. After several years of development andconstruction, Min Quan County has established an industrial agglomeration areas,which has become the country’s largest refrigeration industrial park, has achievedremarkable effect on economic structure adjustment and has improved Min Quan’sregional economic development. The industrial park, playing a major role of theeconomic development of the entire county, fosters regional competitiveness,innovates the system and mechanism and vigorously promotes the expansion of theconnotation of industrial agglomeration area, has become a new growth pole of MinQuan’s economy.But now, the current economic environment and the world economic situationhave a significant change, the current policies and development models of MinQuan’s industry agglomeration area can not conform to the market economydeveloping. Many problems come out such as improper intensively use of resources,etc, which have restricted the development of the industrial agglomeration areas andhave greatly reduced the economy development of the whole county. In order to adaptto the significant economic environment changing in both domestic and foreignmarkets, and to promote the sustainable development of Min Quan’s refrigerationindustrial agglomeration area, it is important to draw on the successful experience offoreign countries to promote the development of industrial clusters and research theindustrial cluster policy. Summarizing the concentration, competition, cooperationand innovation advantages of industrial clusters, refining the basic theories whichapply to the construction of industrial clusters in our province and finding usefulmeasures to promote the construction of refrigeration industrial clusters have becomethe most pressing demand of the day.This study is based on this background, analysing the status of the current MinQuan’s refrigeration industrial cluster and elaborating the necessity of furtheroptimization of the industrial cluster construction. This study also takes the integration and upgrading of innovation mechanism as a breakthrough on problemsand the drawbacks of Min Quan’s refrigeration industrial cluster, analysis the relatedresearches from the perspective of sustainable development and proposes measures offinding a way which can adjust both the changing market environment and the actualsituation of Min Quan by comparison with the theory and practice of domestic andinternational industrial agglomeration area.

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