Dissertation > Economic > Fiscal, monetary > Finance, banking > China's financial,banking > Financial organizations, banks > Commercial banks ( specialized banks )

Study on Operational Risk Management Counter Plan of XX Bank Anyang Branch

Author ChenGang
Tutor ZhaoShouGuo
School Northwestern University
Course Business Administration
Keywords commercial bank operational risk formation mechanism New Basel Accord operational risk management system
CLC F832.33
Type Master's thesis
Year 2013
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In recent years, incase operational risk has led to huge losses in commercial banks and brought a tremendous negative impact on the reputation of the banks, which is being paid more and more attention by the world banking industry and supervisory authorities. Currently, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) ranks operational risk the third going after credit risk and market risk in New Capital Accord, and operational risk areas included in regulatory capital, But the theoretical study on operational risk is lagged far behind the former two risks, and operational risk is the weakest field among the three big risks. Therefore, the banks operational risk management research has practical and theoretical meaning.In this paper, facing the existing incase operational risk issues of the commercial banks, through the practices of the operational risk management and the exploration of the relative theory, research and design a management solution to the incase operational risk in Anyang Branch of XX Bank. Ultimately improve the bank’s anti-risk capability and competitiveness. This paper takes Anyang Branch of XX Bank as a example, introduces its basic situation, and sum up its shortcomings of the management on the operational risk, then give the corresponding response to recommendations:improve the internal control system, optimize business processes, strengthening cultural construction, improve system performance.

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