Dissertation > Economic > Fiscal, monetary > Finance, banking > China's financial,banking > Financial organizations, banks > Commercial banks ( specialized banks )

The Research on Improvement of China Merchant Bank(CMB)’s Trademark Business Management

Author HeGaoFeng
Tutor QiShunSheng
School Hunan University
Course Business Administration
Keywords China Merchants Bank the brand management improvement
CLC F832.33
Type Master's thesis
Year 2012
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Taking China Merchants Bank (CMB) as the research object, this thesis does adetailed and comprehensive analysis of the current situation about the brandconstruction in CMB, which is based on the existing brand management and theliterature on the bank management of brands. The following defects still exist in CMBbrand management.1. There exists the phenomenon of act of one’s own free will inthe CMB brand management.2. The images of product brands are homogenizedseriously.3. The brand system of products is in disorder, which lacks efficientintegration.4. CMB lacks a system for long-term and effective brand management.With the help of some international banks’ successful experience, such as Citibank,HSBC, in setting up their global financial brands, the thesis makes some suggestionsto improve the brand management in CMB, such as straightening out the brand overallarchitecture, implementing the strategy of various brands, establishing the system forbrand management organization, clarifying the division of responsibilities for brandmanagement, and defining the process of making a brand management policy. Thenthe thesis puts forward detailed plans of improvement, including5specific measuresas follows: the establishment of the brand marketing platform with the help of thedatabase; the formation of a long-term system for brand management analysis; astep-by-step reform of the marketing framework, setting up a system for customermarketing service management; a exploratory reform of business process management,accelerating the establishment of customer marketing service system; a new plan forretail posts of the bank staff. As to the development of business, the above measurescan be carried out to improve the brand management. Only by combining with thedevelopment of business, can the brand management be maintained long and active.Following the basic principles such as scientific development, text management,protection of intellectual property rights and so on, the scheme can be implemented asfollows:1. Straighten out the brand management architecture in China MerchantsBank, and promote the integration process of brand management and business.2.Secure the brand management improvement through department arrangements, andestablish a professional brand management department.3. Put an emphasis on theclose connection between the brand management and business, and set up professionalbrand managers who lead teams for the implementation of business, reorganize the business process, and keep closely in touch with the market.4. Construct amechanism of the brand management and maintenance, including the databaseconstruction, the brand innovation management etc.What is new in the thesis is that it provides a line of thought, in which the brandconstruction and business development are closely related with each other. It is usefuland helpful to some extent for China’s commercial banks to strengthen their brandconstructions.

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