Dissertation > Economic > Fiscal, monetary > Finance, banking > China's financial,banking > Financial organizations, banks > Commercial banks ( specialized banks )

The Research on Commercial Bank’s Industrial Chain Financial and Its Operating Mechanism

Author FengRui
Tutor ZhuLei
School Tianjin University of Science and Technology
Course Business management
Keywords Commercial Banks Industry Chain Financial The Operation Mechanis
CLC F832.33
Type Master's thesis
Year 2012
Downloads 31
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As commercial Banks in new business areas competition intensifies, domestic commercial Banks have introduced new business related to finance industry chain, such as Shenzhen Development Bank, Minsheng Bank, China Merchants bank and a number of commercial bank to have the bank launched characteristics of the financial services industry chain solutions. It is a industrial chain finance business development finance business for commercial bank, is seizes the market of the bold innovation, can derive a lot of financial related new products and new services. Under the background of the financial market has capital constraints and economic value added,the research of the industrial chain financial business and it’s operation mechanism, for commercial bank perfect credit structure, broaden the business idea, strengthen innovative ideas, improve profit level and strengthen control risk ability has very important practical significance.This research is divided into six parts, the third part, the fourth part and the fifth part is the core content of this study. Specifically, the first part is mainly reviewed the research background, the purpose and significance of this research at home and abroad, and puts forward the basic idea and method. The second part of the paper related concepts and theoretical basis for defining the industry chain financial relevant concepts, five theory as the foundation, this paper analyzes the principle of the financial industry. The third part expounds the reasons for Banks expose industry chain financial business, and analyzes the main content of the industry chain financial business and the present situation of the commercial Banks’industrial chain finance business. The fourth part from the view of the management system, technology innovation system, the financial system and risk management system, analyzes the financial industry chain the mechanism. The fifth part take the Yongli steel company as an example, make an depth analysis of the commercial bank’s industry chain financial and its operation mechanism. The sixth part analyzes the financial industry chain of existing problems and puts forward the feasible policy suggestions, in order to promote domestic industry chain financial develop more health and effective.

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