Research on operational risk management Chinese Postal Savings Bank branch in Jiangsu Province |
Author | FanLinJuan |
Tutor | WangChangJiang |
School | Nanjing University |
Course | Business Administration |
Keywords | Postal Savings Bank Operational risk Managementmeasures |
CLC | F832.33 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2011 |
Downloads | 15 |
Quotes | 0 |
The operational risk is both old and young. Since the1980s, with the internationalization and globalization of financial innovation, bank constant expansion in the scale,sharply increased complexity of bank operation, the use of the risk-release technology by the bank and the other present situation has increased the operational risks that financial institutions face. Repeatedly occurring risk events that related to the operational risk brings great damage to the commercial bank, this makes operational risk which has not been concerned with the other risks begins to get increasing concern and attention. In June2004, the Basel Committee issued the New Capital Accord, in this accord, operational risk has been clearly classified as the third important risk which is behind to the credit risk and market risk, it means the awareness and attention to the management of the operational risk by the international financial community have accessed to a new phase.Postal Savings Bank of China was officially established in March20,2007. After compared to the requirement of business management and risk control, it initially set up the corresponding organizational structure and risk management mechanism. After more than three years, the bank has discovered that as the partial reform of the postal service system, the inadequate preparation, the short of time, Poor foundation of the form of the PSBC and other reasons, the bank did not achieve the desired effect in the aspect of risk management, especially the precautions of the operational risk is imminent. This makes the research on the operational risk management has an important practical significance for the PSBC. This paper aims to discuss how to build a practical operational risk management system on the basis of the current situation of the Postal Savings Bank of China, Jiangsu branch.At first, this article states the background and meaning of the research on the operating risk management, the current status and weakness all over the world. It then analysis the operating risk theoretically, discuss the question of definition on intense, main characteristic, classification and the method of measurement on operating risk. By the introduction of the current situation of the operational risk management of Postal Savings Bank of China Jiangsu branch, this paper analyze the problems among the operational risk management begins from the current situation in the bank. In the light of the current situation and the Existing problems, at the end of the paper, Author draw lessons from foreign advanced experience of operational risk management, and combined with the actual situation of the bank, proposes the countermeasure and suggestions which is about the four aspects, as first strengthen the operational risk management system, second improve the operational risk management infrastructure, third reinforce the construct of the internal control system, forth construct risk control culture.