Dissertation > Economic > Fiscal, monetary > Finance, banking > China's financial,banking > Financial organizations, banks > Commercial banks ( specialized banks )

Research on performance management of N branch of Agricultural Bank of China

Author LiHao
Tutor ChengDeJun
School Nanjing University
Course Business Administration
Keywords Agricultural Bank The bank N branch Performance management Thebalanced score card
CLC F832.33
Type Master's thesis
Year 2012
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As the financial situation and the domestic financial system reform of globalization continued to deepen, the competition of domestic banking industry is becoming increasingly fierce. Compared with Industrial and Commercial Bank, Construction Bank, Bank of China which previously went through stock reforms and came into the market, Agricultural Bank bears the heaviest historical burden. Meanwhile, because of Agricultural Bank’s long-term operations and policy-oriented tasksin the rural areas,its commercial operation level is low and the internal management is relatively weak.After years of unremitting efforts,Agricultural Bank realized A shares and H shares listed at the same time in2010.After listing, Agricultural Bank’s greatest problem is how to survive in the intense market competition and development.According to the head office "3510"development strategy,combined with the experience of the other three large State-owned commercial banks after listing,first of all,human resources reform is the inevitable choice to improve the core competitiveness,while performance management reform is absolute gravity and main content of the human resources reform.In such a background, this paper firstly introduce the concept of the performance management and the research of the performance management both at home and abroad,and then based on the performance mangagement theory,the paper studies the mainstream approach to performance management in details,and analyze the advantages and disadvantages. Secondly, because the N branch is the pilot one that Agricultural Bank determines to have the human resources reform,and represents the most advanced performance management level,so the bank N branch is the object of this paper’s study.On the basis of N branch current performance management system,supplemented by the questionnaire statistical analysis, this paper analyzes the present situation of the N performance management and points out the problems, such as the lack of concepts and rigid. Again,on the basis of pointing out the problem and causes analysis,according to the four links as performance plan,performance inplementation and coaching,performance evaluation,performance feedback,the paper introduces the Balanced Scorecard performance management method from the three aspects as the N branch,department and employees,and designs the N branch performance management system. This paper mainly discusses the application of balanced scorecard in performance planning process. At the same time, the constant performance coaching should be carried out in the process of Performance implementation Design N branch general performance assessment,based on practical considerations,on employees’performance evaluation,this article uses capacity indicators as a complement to the balanced scorecard method so that it can give us a comprehensive and objective view of the true performance of the employee. Finally, from the performance improvement,Performance-related pay,Resource configuration.this paper explains how the N branch should make full use of the results of performance management. After the accomplishment of the designs of the overall performance management reform, tips that should be noted in the reform process are also supplied.

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