Dissertation > Economic > Economic planning and management > Audit > Various types of audit

The Research on Supervision for Administrative Power under a Big-department System

Author ZhangGuLing
Tutor LongXianZhong
School Hunan University
Course Public Administration
Keywords public investment projects effectiveness of audit government function
CLC F239.4
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
Downloads 194
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As China’s economic development, the Government increasing emphasis onpublic investment projects, in the growing investment in fixed assets for investment inpublic works share is also growing. This part of the funds invested in public works,management of how to use and how well, it is directly related to the people’s money isspent well, if well spent. Although in recent years, investment in fixed assets ineconomic development played an important role in stimulating, but there areone-sided pursuit of speed, quality and efficiency of the phenomenon of neglect, manyof the government’s public investment projects outstanding losses and waste issues,from the micro to the macro-efficiency and environmental benefits effectiveness haveappeared in many problems. In this context, the government’s public investmentprojects, performance audit has become a growing concern, this article in order toXiang Jiang River flood control projects, for instance, the government’s publicinvestment projects, performance audit problems and countermeasures in-depth studywith a view to effectiveness of public investment projects for government audit workto provide the smooth development of corresponding countermeasures andsuggestions.This paper is divided into five chapters. Chapter I first introduces the researchbackground and significance, research situation, this article summarizes the researchcontent, research methods.Chapter II is an effective audit of the Government’s public investment projects,an overview of relevant theories. This chapter begins by defining the definition of thegovernment’s public investment projects, analysis of the government’s publicinvestment projects of the type and characteristics set out to strengthen thegovernment’s public investment projects, the need for effective audit discusses theGovernment’s public investment in the project performance audit functions.Chapter III is an example of Xiang Jiang River flood control projects. This chapterdiscusses the effectiveness of our government’s public investment projects, the statusof the audit. This chapter first discussed the effectiveness of our government’s publicinvestment projects, the overall status of the audit; and then flood prevention workson the Xiang Jiang River has a brief analysis of the Xiang Jiang River flood controlproject performance audit of the status quo, discusses Xiang Jiang River flood control project problems and their causes.The fourth chapter of our government’s public investment projects, effectivesolution to the problem exists in the audit response. This article from the Xiang JiangRiver flood control project performance audit of the examples, this paper proposes afull play to the Government in the government’s public investment projects,performance audit of the leading role in maintaining a fair role in the oversight role,management role and to safeguard the role of strategies in order to improve thegovernment’s public investment projects in China effectiveness of audit work.Chapter V contains conclusions, a summary of the paper and pointed out the flaws inthis study, for the current theoretical analysis and practical operation direction.

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