Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Science,scientific research > The cause of the world of scientific research > China > Institutions and groups

Scientific research institutions of scientific research performance appraisal in M Institute as an example

Author LiuMing
Tutor ZhengZiJian
School Northwestern University
Course Public Administration
Keywords Researcher Performance appraisal Performance appraisal system design Performance appraisal criterion design
CLC G322.2
Type Master's thesis
Year 2013
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Performance appraisal, as one of five important modes in human resource management, is the keystone and difficulty for human resource management. Although lots of effort had been put in exploring and trying it, the results by applying performance appraisal in the companies were rarely satisfied. Most of the companies merely set up the structure of performance appraisal. The reason for failure of applying this method, which is meaningful for human resource management, in practice may be mainly summed as the incomprehensive or even misunderstanding of the performance appraisal. Among them, the key point is that performance management is truly effective in modern human resource management, rather than the performance appraisal or evaluation, commonly applied by many companies, at the end of a project. Therefore, how to strengthen the management on performance appraisal has became an important subject for many companies.With the development of reform on management system, the meaning of human resource management will be deeply understand, the more practical, people-oriented and high efficient human resource management system will be established definitely in research institute, Performance appraisal is the main and rather difficult point for human resource management. while the ways to carry out the performance appraisal in research institute will strongly affect the final result of the management system. In this paper, the theories of performance appraisal were introduced and the characteristics of performance appraisal in research institute were illustrated, the problems exiting in current performance appraisal were summarized and analyzed, the ways to establish and improve the performance appraisal in research institute were proposed.In this paper, the brief information of the research institute-M was introduced. The situations of performance appraisal in the institute were explained by introducing the original performance appraisal index system, criterions, method and results, etc. The problems in the original performance appraisal system were analyzed and a new proposal, which mainly involve the concepts of performance appraisal program, the establishment of performance appraisal, the main structure of performance appraisal and the implement of the system was designed. The human resource management of the research institute was finally improved by applying the practical well designed effective performance appraisal system.

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