Dissertation > History, geography > History of China > Semi-colonial and semi -feudal society ( 1840 to 1949 ) > Old Democratic Revolution period ( 1840 ~ 1919 ) > Second Opium War period (1860 ~ 1900 )

Analysis Liang Dingfen’s Interpersonal Relationships

Author YuJing
Tutor HuChiJun
School Northeast Normal University
Course Modern Chinese History
Keywords Liang Dingfen Late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China Friendship Mutual hatred
CLC K256
Type Master's thesis
Year 2010
Downloads 202
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Liang Dingfen was an important historical figures, scholar, poet, and a key member of Zhang Zhidong. During the later Qing Dynasty . He didn’t dread the bigwigs, but dared to impeach them. And he advocated to remove the boundaries between Manchus and Hans. He was extremely loyal to Qing Dynasty. The thought of loyalty was depth to marrow. So that he was consider to the representative of“Cultural Conservatism”in the Period of Replacement between Qing Dynasty and Republic China. He widely communicated with each kind of characters to study the relationship among the main political figures in the Period of Replacement between Qing Dynasty and Republic China. In his mind there was the contradictory mentality between innovation and conservatism, and his personality was very complex and multiple. In this article, the writer mainly discussed the issue of Liang Dingfen’s communication with each kind of characters to study the relationship among the main political figures and their political attitudes in the Period of Replacement between Qing Dynasty and Republic China.There are five parts in this article.First, the writer mainly discussed the issue of Liang Dingfen’s communication with the figures of Qing-Liu Party, such as Wen Tingshi, Wang Renkan, Sheng Yu and Deng Chengxiu, to study the process of Liang Dingfen’s personality of loyalty becoming.Second, the writer mainly discussed the issue of Liang Dingfen’s communication with the figures of Westernization Movement, such as Li Hongzhang, Zuo zhongtang, Zhang Zhidong and Yuan Shikai, to study the relationship between Liang Dingfen and the figures of Westernization Movement.Third, the writer mainly discussed the issue of Liang Dingfen’s communication with the figures of Reform Party and Constitutionalism Party.Fourth, the writer mainly discussed the issue of Liang Dingfen’s communication with the figures of Revolution Party, such as Huang Xing and Zhang Taiyan, especially discussed the teacher-student relationship between Liang Dingfen and Huang Xing.Fifth, the writer mainly discussed the issue of Liang Dingfen’s communication with other figures in the Period of Replacement between Qing Dynasty and Republic China, for instance, the communication with Queen Ci-Xi, Emperor Guang-Xu, Emperor Xuan-Tong, Zhang Xun and Li Yuanhong.

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