Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > The world culture and culture > China > Local culture and the culture

Aqua Yangzhou cultural quality of the

Author NiRuoHua
Tutor DengJie
School Yangzhou University
Course Educational Technology
Keywords Yangzhou Water Culture City Brand
CLC G127
Type Master's thesis
Year 2010
Downloads 151
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Yangzhou is located JAC, the water network, River scenery, world famous. Yangzhou's name, that is intended to take on the \As an Oriental Millennium Watertown, water penetration, against the background of the historical context of Yangzhou in 2500, also glow, continues with modern Yangzhou life, vitality, and gradually formed a water culture is full of personality and vitality in the long historical process. In this paper, the author's field survey and literature anyhow, explore the causes of the of Yangzhou water culture, discusses the material and spiritual elements of the culture of Yangzhou water also conducted a preliminary exploration of the characteristics of \construction of of Yangzhou water culture city suggested. The first part is an introduction, reason and significance of the topic of this article, the research and theoretical basis, and finally put forward the basic framework of this paper, research methods and innovation. The second part discusses the relationship between water and Yangzhou. Mainly on the water rhyme Yangzhou causes, one of the natural environment. Second, is history. The point of view of the author, by the cultural ecology, introduced Yangzhou food, clothing, shelter, transportation, and cultural elements of music most explicit link between the effects of the geographical environment of the elements and water, is also the subject. Yangzhou water culture for the cultural elements of the spiritual dimension. Author by a brief description of the water-related works, music and dance in the literary and artistic, sketch the relationship between literature and art of the water and Yangzhou. The third part focuses on the \Yangzhou has a simple and transparent character of the water, the water fresh and lively spiritual temperament, hardness and softness of water. Under the guidance of Anthropogeography method, I explore the summary of the characteristics of a culture of Yangzhou \Yangzhou is made of water city nuanced, clear water to develop Yangzhou culture, exquisite visibility cultural personality; flexible given the Yangzhou cultural hardness and softness, extremely tough cultural charm of the water; water of spirituality culture culture of Yangzhou be tolerant to diversity, inclusive cultural character; mobility of the water to give a the Yangzhou cultural self-improvement, pioneering and innovative cultural forces. This is also the author made little attempt to summarize the characteristics of the culture of Yangzhou. The fourth part of the surrounding water environment, promote water culture, Yangzhou water culture construction strategy selection. Combine with the layout of the city, to improve the hardware and software building, adopt market-oriented mode of operation effective strategy arrangements, both protection and excavation of the historical legacy of excellent water culture, but also to create a modern times water culture. , Leveraging the advantages of modern media images, shooting an \

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