Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Information and knowledge dissemination > Broadcasting and Television Stations > Countries around the world on Broadcasting and Television > China

The Research on the Operation Management of CATV Networks

Author YangChunSheng
Tutor LiangHongYan
School Shanxi University
Course Business Administration
Keywords Cable TV network Operations Management Cost Queuing theory Assess Analytic Hierarchy Process
CLC G229.2-F
Type Master's thesis
Year 2009
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China 's cable TV network is currently facing unprecedented challenges, more showed strengthen the importance of the cable TV network management . In this paper, the basic ideas and principles of management for the cable television network operations management , in-depth study , a detailed analysis of the operation and management of the three core content and their mutual relations , strengthen and improve the cable television network operations management and ideas, and through the use of queuing theory to planning and design of the particular case of maintenance personnel service , highlighting the research and application of the results improve work efficiency and service quality, reduce personnel costs . Finally, from the perspective of regulating and promoting the cable television network operations management , to establish quality of state assessment system cable operators and Analytic Hierarchy Process is given an assessment modeling and simulation solutions .

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