Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Automation technology,computer technology > Automated basic theory > Artificial intelligence theory

The Research of Key Technology of the New IETM

Author WoDi
Tutor GuGuoChang
School Harbin Engineering University
Course Applied Computer Technology
Keywords Electronic interaction Manual Search engine Fault Diagnosis
Type Master's thesis
Year 2009
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IETM Interactive Electronic Technical Manual , is a complex technical manuals , it is in digital form stored in a suitable medium , written in manual or automatic editing system , and through the electronic screen display is controlled by a computer . Used to enhance the use of technical manuals and training effect , and to more effectively protect the use of complex technical systems , maintenance , repair , diagnostics and repair . This paper studies the history of the development of the IETM , experienced the the electronic images paging index document its technical structure , the scrolling electronic document , linear structured of IETM , the hierarchical structure of IETM , integrated database IETM5 basic stages of development . Currently , four hierarchical structure IETM technology development has been more mature and widely used in weapons and equipment maintenance and training areas . The five integrated database IETM technology due to the introduction of expert systems and artificial intelligence mechanisms , structure more advanced technology and good prospects for the application of interactive electronic technical information system , all countries competing in the direction of research and focus on the development . Summarizes IETM development process and existing technology development status based on in-depth study of of IETM technology and model structure , in the hierarchy of the the IETM model structure based on a four - level to 5 transition model interactive IETM system model , the realization of such a model search engine model , on the basis of analysis of the principle of the forward maximum matching algorithm , the introduction of the concept of the word spacing , an improved method is given , so that when improved forward maximum matching algorithm segmentation , eliminating an ambiguous word has been greatly improved ; fault diagnosis technology contributions to the realization of this model to study the characteristics of the IETM expert system knowledge base and the inference engine , the membership function of the fuzzy set theory to achieve fuzzy matrix of knowledge representation and reasoning , a reasoning algorithm based on fuzzy matrix to improve the efficiency of the the IETM expert system inference .

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