Analysis and Countermeasures Studies on Standard Barriers to Household Electrical Appliances of Our Country |
Author | WuYi |
Tutor | TaoZhongYuan |
School | Jiangsu University |
Course | International Trade |
Keywords | Standard Standard barriers Home appliances Countermeasure |
CLC | F752.62 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2009 |
Downloads | 396 |
Quotes | 2 |
The home appliances industry is an industry of China 's market-oriented and international earlier , the market honed over 20 years , China's household electrical appliances not only occupied the domestic market , but also out of the country and in the international market place . But since the 1990s , the prevalence of international protectionism is growing constraints on the export of China's household electrical appliance . At present, China has more than half of the household electrical appliance enterprises plagued by the standard issues , the standard barriers has become a major obstacle to expanding exports of home appliances in China . Therefore , to carry out the standard barriers to the export of China 's household electrical appliances impact study has important practical significance . Research mainline standards of technical barriers to trade , to begin to define the meaning of the standard barriers , the characteristics of the main manifestations , from an economic point of view analysis of the standard mechanism of action of the barriers ; then the main target market of China's home appliance exports , standard system of the United States, Europe , Japan and comparative analysis ; , pointed out that the the standard encountered barriers of China's home appliance exports are mainly concentrated in the following four aspects : detection and measurement -related barriers to the standard for the actual situation of China's home appliance exports involving environmental protection standards barriers , bundled standard with patented technology barriers , home appliance energy consumption standard barriers. On this basis , the paper by standard barriers econometric study selected the standby power consumption of the TV standards , for example , concluded that foreign energy consumption standards for the export of China 's TV actually had a negative the impact . Finally, the use of the the SWOT method described domestic appliance exports , international environmental advantages , and vulnerable , opportunities and challenges , according to dissect the reasons for the three angles from the macro, meso , micro effective strategies to respond to standard barriers .