Wengfu Group international output |
Author | WeiJunYan |
Tutor | LuoMin |
School | Guizhou University |
Course | Business management |
Keywords | Economic Integration Competitive Environment Technology Intellectual Property Internationalization Output |
CLC | F426.72 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2009 |
Downloads | 9 |
Quotes | 0 |
Following global economy to be integrated gradually by the effects containing knowledge industry and networks, the outside environment from all enterprises is toward to be opened with excited international market competition. China’s enterprise changes its role from input one as an output one. The autonomous innovation by companies makes themselves possessing ability to output technology through product to scientific research results. It’s also marked the improvement of firm core competition within its competitive level. Both Chinese market and international environment gained from the R&D result. So far, it makes the higher of chain efficiency form the production chain, the more advanced technology, and the faster development. In particular, the future of company is wider and longer.Wengfu Group input advanced process technique and manufacturing equipment at the end of last 80’s. It is gained a new result due to input—absorption—innovation through production, research and development. There are more than 50 patents and technical innovative achievement such as beneficiation and P2O5 extraction technique now. Following initial phosphate rock exporting to final products marketing, Wengfu set up overseas sales networks. Now, the company is ready to transfer its intellectual knowledge globally. Actually, it’s true to send off the company to international market once it owned its independent power. In order to be better protecting Wengfu’s intellectual property, "WF-01" agent is going to be applied at the bid project in Saudi Arabia. It is going to be brought a blanket of domestic industries development.On the case of such an environment, the quantity on international marketing activities from China’s enterprises increases continuously. The competitive strategy changes from the minimum cost to different styles, especially simple product output to transfer technology that owns company core competitive ability. Right now, compared the technical innovation, market selection and related strategy at all over the world, our national level on output integrate technique is still lower. This kind of divergence makes significant effects to company’s technology development. Once a enterprise which is based on rich mineral resource want to improve its international competition ability and hold downstream advantage, it must measure the target on innovation, intellectual property protection and standardization management.The article is going to analyze Wengfu’s productivity, R&D designed with technique input—absorption—innovation, especially on the hand of technical modification, innovation, patent strategy and intellectual property, etc. Exploring how to master the company forgoing trend to be combined foreign management thoughts and methods with our enterprise realities, active searching our own management mode, shrinking the difference between both domestic and overseas, and increasing companies international competitive ability.