Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Building Science > Architectural design > General issues > Design principles, the principles and management > Building energy efficiency design

Research on Rural Building Thermal Environment and Energy-efficient Design in Guanzhong

Author XueWenLi
Tutor LiuJiaPing
School Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology
Course Building Science,
Keywords Guanzhong region Rural architecture Indoor thermal environment Thermal comfort Optimal Design
CLC TU201.5
Type Master's thesis
Year 2009
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With economic development , the farmers' living standards improve , people come to realize the importance of comfortable and healthy indoor thermal environment to live and work , but due to the impact of traditional living patterns and constructed in such a manner , the country house still exists dysfunction , large area when not too thin , building envelope , indoor thermal environment and poor , there is an urgent need to use the building thermal environment and energy conservation for sustainable development theory to guide the development of the rural architecture . The status quo for rural construction of the Guanzhong area , this paper, the main research contents and results are as follows : ① Guanzhong rural construction survey , analysis of the current country building construction mode and structure characteristics , the trajectory of local farmers living and production way , research farmers functional space requirements of the country house ; ② typical residential thermal environment measured analysis of indoor thermal environment of the country house in winter and summer , the thermal environment of each room , analyzed the cause of the problem caused by indoor thermal environment ; ( 3 ) through the winter and summer subjective reflection of a survey of 30 farm house indoor thermal conditions , statistics farmers satisfaction rate on indoor thermal conditions , indoor thermal environment needs of rural architecture are summarized . The ④ farmers residential function space and indoor thermal environment needs of rural architecture optimization improvements . For the design of the building , the plane function space design should pay attention to the problem as well as suitable for off rural architecture and facade energy-saving design ; improved thermal insulation properties of the building envelope , building envelope thermal performance method ; for summer cooling , natural ventilation and cooling green building ; Finally, a country house in winter indoor heat source problem is proposed to improve the thermal environment of the Guanzhong rural architecture , not only to strengthen the insulation , but also appropriate to increase the an indoor heat source , suitable for Guanzhong rural residential renewable energy utilization . This paper argues that the reasonable building energy efficiency design appropriate to add the proper application of passive heating and cooling measures and renewable energy , to improve indoor thermal conditions on rural architecture , to meet the needs of farmers on indoor thermal environment .

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