Study on Preparation & Characterization of Nanocomposite Elastomer Monolayers and Their Nanotribological Behaviors |
Author | ShiChaoYan |
Tutor | DingJianNing |
School | Jiangsu University |
Course | Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation |
Keywords | Elastic composite film AFM XPS Raman Mechanical Properties Friction properties |
CLC | TB383.2 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2007 |
Downloads | 25 |
Quotes | 0 |
With the rapid development of nano-science and technology, especially micro-electro-mechanical systems and the rapid development of high-speed magnetic recording technology, there is an urgent need to address the nanoscale lubrication and zero wear, surface modification technology is an effective way to solve this problem. This article, based on multi-layer composite elastic nano-film coating system of elastic modulus of thin films by different design ideas, thus inhibiting energy loss of molecular self-assembly method, pulse magnetic filtered cathodic vacuum arc deposition (FCVA-Filtered Cathodic Vacuum Arc ) methods and chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method combines, by means of a sandwich structure introduce the concept of the elastic body (SEBS), the preparation of multilayer composite elastic nano film, and analysis of their mechanical properties and frictional properties, to obtain an excellent surface modification technology. Paper, coupling agent APS, for example, using the AFM to observe the different reaction time 3 - aminopropyl trimethoxysilane (APS) at the silicon surface morphology of SAMs, APS film formation mechanism and shape The physical characteristics were analyzed, the study shows that: APS film formation can be divided into two stages: the increase in the number of \At the same time, the effects of the reaction solution concentration, reaction temperature, type of material on the film morphology. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy XPS and laser Raman Raman spectra characterized the composition of the surface structure of the thin film, and then we come: pulse magnetic filtered cathodic vacuum arc source deposition method FCVA, chemical vapor deposition method by molecular self-assembly method, CVD can be obtained complete, uniform, smooth molecular film. MML company nano test system by nanoindentation, nano-scratch experiments investigated the mechanical properties of the composite films. Binding properties by analyzing the hardness, elastic modulus, film base, and came to the conclusion: the DLC film at the top of the elastic composite films of better mechanical properties than conventional elastic films. The use of multi-functional micro constant load under the composite film friction coefficient variation with sliding speed, the friction coefficient of the composite film at a constant speed with load variation, and examine the composite film abrasion, friction and wear testing machine analysis, SEM topography reflects the wear and damage of the contact area. We learned through the analysis, DLC (F) / SEBS/187/Si optimal friction and wear characteristics of the composite film, and the presence of the DLC film makes composite film has a self-lubricating properties.