Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Secondary education > Subjects teaching methods, teaching aids > Foreign language > English

A Study on English Homework Design in Secondary Vocational Schools

Author LiLiuDong
Tutor FangTong
School Central China Normal University
Course Education and management of
Keywords English homework design secondary vocational school principles strategies
CLC G633.41
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
Downloads 30
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With the development of secondary vocational education and the advancement of education reform in recent years, English teaching in secondary vocational schools has been facing many challenges and new problems.Homework provides opportunities for students to explore subjects more fully than classroom teaching permits, helps them review and practice what they have learned and develop skills, good habits as well as positive attitudes. English homework in secondary vocational schools should be assigned based on the curriculum standards. However, lacking effectiveness, poorly designed English homework which is widely assigned in secondary vocational schools fails to meet specific goals in students’learning and development.Based on theories and specific case analysis, this paper aims at proposing the principles and effective strategies for English homework design in secondary vocational school, mainly by literature review, surveys, interviews and case study.After a comprehensive literature review on homework assigning, a survey on the status quo of English homework practice in secondary vocational schools is carried out by means of questionnaires and interviews, revealing several main problems in English homework practice:teachers’limitation in understanding the value and purposes of English homework; lack of variety in type, format and content of English assignments; neglect of students’characteristics, skills, interests and needs when designing homework.On the basis of constructivist theory of learning, theory of multiple intelligences and the requirement of English curriculum in secondary vocational schools, this paper puts forwards five principles in English homework design. Then, with the analysis of some homework cases, the study suggests four strategies for the design of English homework to meet its multiple purposes for students’ learning and development, taking students’ characteristics and particular needs under new education modes in secondary vocational schools into account. Some other problems related to English homework assignment, such as the teachers’perception of English homework and difficulties in homework practice, are discussed. Lastly, a conclusion, implications and the limitations of the research are presented.

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