Study on Development of College Students’ Brand Attachment Questionnair and Its Relationship Witn Their Self-Concept |
Author | XiaLing |
Tutor | DaiChunLin |
School | Zhejiang Normal University |
Course | Applied Psychology |
Keywords | brand attachment measurement attachment self-concept |
CLC | B841 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2011 |
Downloads | 58 |
Quotes | 0 |
Brand attachment is a Mental bond which contains cognitive,affective and behavior Psychological component. Brand attachment is formed by marking intruducing psychology,is the more cutting-edge research topic. Brand attachment can not only effectively predict the higher level of consumer behaviors but also has important significance in theory and practice to establishing brand relationship. Correspondingly, there is less empirical study on brand attachment in our country and lack of local measurement tool. Hence,this study developed the college brand attachment scale on the basis of analysis results of foreign documents.This scal is to study the structure of college students’brand attachment level and analyse the actuality of college students’brand attachment.The main results obtained are as follows:(1)The questionnaire consisting 19 items contains 4 factors:flavour preference, self connection.positive experience, maintain relationship.Flavour preference consists of 4 items, self connection consists of 3 items, positive experience consists of 6 items, maintain relationship consists of 6 items.(2)The questionnaire is of high reliability and fair validity.The reliability analysis showed that the internal consistency reliability of the questionnaire was 0.878,the half-split reliability was 0.781.Concerning the content validity,a psychology professor and five Psychology graduate students have evaluated the dimensions and items of the questionnaire. Concerning the construct validity,the result of exploring factor analysis showed that the factors extractet could accounted for 61.977% of the total variance,and the correlation coefficient between factors ranged from 0.292 to 0.408. The confirmatory fator analysis showed that the fit indices were good and specific as follows:χ2/df<5; NFI、NNFI、CFI、GFI、IFI were all over 0.90;RMR<0.1;RMSEA between 0.05 and 0.08.The result shows that the model is good.About the criterion validity, college students’brand attachment questionnaire has a significant correlation coefficient with the criterion.(3)The dimensions of college students’brand attachment questionnaire have significant difference in gender,education,month consumption level,using time,but no significant differnence in major and brand types.(4)There is a significant correlation between college students’brand attachment and self-concept,and the college students’self-concept can predict brand attachment.(5)The results shows that secure attachment plays the role of regulating the relationship between self-concept and brand attachment.but,avoidant attachment and anxious attachment cannot regulate the relationship between self-concept and brand attachment.