Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Radio electronics, telecommunications technology > Wireless communications > Lightwave communications, laser communications

Signaling Extension and Implementation for Adaptive Control over Transmission Impairment in WSON

Author WuXiangBo
Tutor ZhangJie
School Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Course Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology
Keywords WSON Transmission impairments Adaptive control Signaling protocol RSVP-TE
CLC TN929.1
Type Master's thesis
Year 2010
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Wavelength switched optical network (WSON) intelligent control plane wavelength channel to solve the problem and dynamic configuration of network resources , is one of the important development direction of next-generation optical network . The WSON the transparent transmission characteristics of reducing the cost of network construction , to improve the transmission capacity . But at the same time , the accumulation of physical damage to seriously affect the signal transmission quality. Paper considered introduced in WSON tunable optical devices, and through the control plane to the adaptive regulation , improve the transmission quality , reducing the rate of blocking of road construction . Based on this functional requirements , the paper designed the WSON for transmission impairments adaptive control signaling expansion program . Extended research paper WSON signaling adaptive multi-service optical network (AMSON) platform . AMSON control plane is mainly composed of three parts : the signaling module , routing module and link resources management module . The Signaling module is the focus of the thesis . The main tasks: (1 ) study the The WSON GMPLS control plane protocol stack , in particular, made ??a detailed analysis of the RSVP-TE signaling protocol . (2) combined for tunable optical devices WSON control plane and transmission damage information , the paper presents two WSON signaling expansion program , detailed design of signaling process and the expansion of the message packet . ( 3) based on the signaling expansion program , the paper presents two code design based on the Linux operating system , a multi-threaded program designed and implemented , a single-threaded program designed to achieve . ( 4 ) in AMSON experiment platform on the signaling protocol software and functional testing to verify that it meets the needs of the transmission impairments adaptive control function .

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