Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Automation technology,computer technology > Automation technology and equipment > Automation systems > Automatic control,automatic control system

Research on Control System for Pantyhose Packaging Machine

Author JiangXiaoZuo
Tutor Meng
School Donghua University
Course Mechanical and Electronic Engineering
Keywords Tights packaging machine Control system PLC Visual Basic
Type Master's thesis
Year 2012
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Industrial mass production requirements of the packaging machine , especially the increasingly high demand for packaging precision and degree of automation . Currently, a large number of packaging machinery industry application of high technology , such as microelectronic technology , laser technology , ultrasonic technology , as well as photoelectric fiber , can be highly automated packaging machines and production lines , use better result reliable , higher quality packaging . In this context , handmade tights packaging has been unable to meet the new demand , the need to develop a high degree of automation , high accuracy and low price of the new control system . Programmable controller (PLC) as the core unit of the control system , powerful , stable and reliable performance , and has been widely used in the production of modern industrial automation , ideal control effect . Accordingly , this paper proposes a new type of programmable controller - based the tights packaging machine control system design . The background of the paper to the the tights packaging machine control system , a combination of theory and practice , elaborate on the application of PLC technology , inverter technology , communication technology in one of the advanced control technology in the packaging machine control system . This article provides an overview of the development and research status of packaging machinery , the programmable control characteristics of the technology and its applications in the packaging machinery possibilities and prospects through the analysis of the technological characteristics of the tights packaging machine , given the design of the main control system programs, including the hardware design and software design of the control system of the original device selection; design of electrical systems ; programming software CX-Programmer OMRON Corporation designs lower computer program , to achieve automatic control functions ; using visual programming software Visual Basic Design monitoring interface , RS232C communication between PC and lower machine communication , in order to complete the data collection and control of the output device security , high-speed , efficient operation . Currently , the the tights packaging machine system design has been completed, in laboratory simulation run , made ??a good control effect . The tights packaging machine described herein by the PLC to coordinate actions between various devices and the host computer to provide a human-computer interaction channels , and can achieve a variety of specifications tights packaging production versatility and reliable structure , easy to operate, the degree of automation high , will increase the the tights packaging speed and quality .

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