Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Secondary education > Subjects teaching methods, teaching aids > Chinese Language

The Research of Consistency between the Tests and the Curricular Standards

Author ZhangKunChi
Tutor DuYuJian
School Guangzhou University
Course Subject Teaching
Keywords the curricular standards Chinese language in primary school test study content validity alignment/ consistency
CLC G633.3
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
Downloads 31
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With the implementation of new basic education curriculum reform for many years in evaluating reform, Panyu District has made many attempts in a five-year study on the developmental teaching evaluation, and has achieved significant results of the changes of evaluation function, the diversification of evaluation and the innovations of evaluation tools. To a large extent, the teachers’appraisal values and behaviours has also been changed. However, for the pen and paper test of the school year, because of its strong demonstration and guidance, it has always been a popular teachers’attention. In the Chinese language examinations in the primary schools, Grade Six final examinations of the school year cause teachers’attention particularly. Therefore, under the curriculum reform of Chinese primary schools, Grade Six test study is particularly important. The test-paper study is intended to sum up the proposition features of Grade Six test papers after the Chinese curriculum reform in primary schools in Panyu District, and to reflect on the propositional problems, so as to perfect the test system, eventually raising the level of implementation of regional course and enhancing students’learning.Logical analysis method has mainly been applied in this article to study on the content validity of the Grade Six final examinations in 2008 and 2009 after the implementation of curriculum reform in Panyu District, and to analyze the level of alignment/consistency between the tests and the curicular standards. Full-text content includes four chapters as the following:ChapterⅠ, "Introduction". It is mainly focused on the research on the test purpose, significance and research methods of the Grade Six Chinese language examinations in primary schools under the new curriculum reform.ChapterⅡ, "Characteristics of the testing". It shows the structural analysis of the Grade Six final test papers in the years of 2008 and 2009. The four features on test system are also discussed in this chapter.ChapterⅢ, "The analysis of alignment/consistency between the tests and the curricular standards". Each item in the tests above is analyzed with the third segment targets of the curricular standards one by one. In this chapter, the researcher will discuss the level of alignment/consistency between the tests and the curricular standards and analyze the causes of low levels of curriculum consistency at the same time.ChapterⅥ, "Suggestions on improving the level of alignment between the tests and the curricular standards ". Based on the above content validity study concluding, this chapter puts forward suggestions from four aspects to improve the level of alignment/consistency between the tests and the curricular standards.

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