Dissertation > Philosophy, religion > Aesthetics > Aesthetic theory

Huizhou aesthetic culture of the

Author WuYunSong
Tutor YangCunChang
School Shandong Normal University
Course Literature and Art
Keywords Huizhou aesthetic culture elements the feature of aesthetic historical value
CLC B83-0
Type Master's thesis
Year 2010
Downloads 132
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Huizhou aesthetic culture is the general of aesthetic culture that historically happened and exists in the region of Huizhou,as well as produced by its impact.This paper mainly discusses Huizhou aesthetic culture in the narrow sense, which is produced,developed and reached its peak during the time of Song Xuanhe 3 (1121) to the Ching Xuantong3(1911), including Huizhou construction, Huizhou opera, Huizhou painting, Huizhou printmaking, Huizhou carving, Huizhou technology, Huizhou literature , Huizhou folk and so on.Huizhou aesthetic culture is the result of the unique natural environment, socio-economic, historical and cultural factors of Huizhou. Among these, the natural environment provided the raw material base for the aesthetic culture of Huizhou; Huizhou merchants’strong support was the economic power of aesthetic culture;The interaction of Clan culture, Chengzhu Philosophy, intellectual culture, business culture, FengShui and other kinds of culture constitute the existing background of Huizhou aesthetic culture.Huizhou is located in southern Anhui province, surrounded by mountains and forests, these not only as an directly aesthetic object to the Huizhou painting, printmaking and the art of literature , its abundant timber, masonry also provided the raw materials for Huizhou aesthetic culture. Meanwhile, the beautiful landscapes of Huizhou terrain, mountains attracted the people who loved the natural landscape and avoided the war of Zhongyuan, resulting in the contradiction between population and land of Huizhou. Merchants of Huizhou is the product of this contradiction. As the strong capital base of the prosperity of Huizhou aesthetic culture, The capital of Merchants of Huizhou promoted the development of aesthetic culture. For a time, the emergence of Huizhou architecture, sculpture, printmaking, drama, sculpture, craft and other kinds of arts happened in Huizhou. Moreover, because of the influence of the merchants of Huizhou, business culture was injected into Huizhou aesthetic culture. Under the impact of commercial culture, the Clan culture and intellectual culture, FengShui interacted, which made Huizhou aesthetic culture come to mature, and its features of Kuya was also prominent.As the collective wisdom of the people of Huizhou, Huizhou aesthetic culture was created by arts workers, merchants and ordinary people. Its glory accumulation, fine and elegant workmanship, simple style mellow folk , the elegant building and sculpture, both the comparison with other local aesthetic culture and its own historical development embodied the aesthetic feature of Kuya.Huizhou’s unique location in China’s history made the study of aesthetic culture of Huizhou multiple meanings. First, As the typical local aesthetic culture study , the study of Huizhou aesthetic culture can provide reference for other local aesthetic culture study; Second, As an integral part of the study of China aesthetic culture, the study of Huizhou aesthetic culture can provide reference for the study of China aesthetic culture; Finally, As an integral part of the study of HUixue, the study of Huizhou aesthetic culture can rich the content of Huixue and promote the development of HUixue.

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