Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Metallurgy and Metal Craft > Metal cutting and machine tools > Program control machine tools, CNC machine tools and machining

The Design and Research of a New Type of Clamping Elements for Roller Guide

Author LiuWeiFang
Tutor YangJiaJun
School Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Course Mechanical Design and Theory
Keywords Clamping element Pre-displacement Contact theory Rigidity Modal analysis
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
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With social science and technology developing, it is an urgent matter to improve the production efficiency, various kinds of machine tools and equipments are developed in the high-speed,high-accuracy and heavy-load direction. As the functional unit which is applied in different kinds of mechanisms popularly, the braking capability of the linear rolling guide has been an urgent problem to be solved. For insurance, the working table should be kept smoothly when the cutting force is large; the working bench in vertical direction is likely to fall down under outage condition and it will lead to security incident or crushing the machine.In this paper, on the basis of doing intensive research on the braking principle and structure of linear rolling guide, a new clamping element which fits linear rolling guide is presented and developed, which combined the brake device which is popularly used and new precision product. Furthermore, the main usability of the product was computed and analyzed; the motion characteristic was analyzed theoretically and simulated by ADAMS, which proved the superiority of the new type of the clamping element. The 3-d detailed model was accomplished by making use of Pro/E.The tribology theory, especially the pre-displacement of the static friction was introduced in this paper, as well as the contact stiffness theory. From analysis the paper comes to the theoretical calculation of its axial rigidity and lateral rigidity when the clamping element is at work, and derives the relevant theoretical stiffness curve by using the software MatLAB. Then the paper also preliminarily illustrates the rigidity of the working bench when it is clamped, and modified the calculation of the present stiffness.Furthermore, the critical component of the product which is called body frame was simplified geometrically as needed, and the ANSYS finite element model was obtained in the paper. Then, the modal analysis was done, and the first six natural frequencies were calculated. The above achievements prepared the ground for further dynamic characteristic analysis.In the end, the design of the mechanism for the stiffness test was accomplished in the paper.

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