Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Building Science > Architectural design > Civil > Construction of educational institutions and scientific research institutions,building

Research of Aerospace Science Research and Innovation Building Design

Author ZhangGuiCun
Tutor MeiHongYuan
School Harbin Institute of Technology
Course Architectural Design and Theory
Keywords aerospace science and technology scientific research building function space environment image
Type Master's thesis
Year 2008
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With the rapidly development of the astronautics scientific research,there are opportunity and challenges for aerospace science and technology building.Simple experiment space can not satisfied the high standard needs of aerospace science and technology development.The building which synthesized the research , innovation , official business , experiment and testing in a whole,arises at the historic moment.There are various spaces and multiple functions in this building . Compared with traditional scientific research buildings,the complex building of scientific research is a multiply system of kinds of spaces with the synthesis and complicacy characters.By discussing the science developing trend in the home and abroad, the background of appearance and design actuality of scientific research buildings,the paper put forward the concept of aerospace science and technology building.On the basis of summing up and analyzing the current situation and problems of the aerospace science and technology research building in the homeland,the author carries out reason analysis on it.The paper summarizes the develop trend of astronautics science and technology research building,analyses it’s behavior characteristic, the building space and the technical characteristic,the main design influencing factor and so on.On basis grinding its characteristic,the paper put forward the system design tactics owing this type of building: the adaptability of space and behavior,the agreement of technology and studying condition,building form accord with culture,building fit in with environment.Finally,basing the analyses of these problems,the paper put forward a series of measures which discriminated the traditional scientific research buildings. Basing the analyses of projects,the paper proved the opinions which have been put forward in the former three chapters.The opinion has the certain typicalness and reference.

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