Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Teachers and students. > Teacher-student relationship

Secondary art teachers and students, the status of the conflict and control countermeasures

Author LiLiPing
Tutor BiTianYun
School Yunnan Normal University
Course Subject Teaching
Keywords secondary art school teacher-student conflict coping strategy
CLC G456
Type Master's thesis
Year 2009
Downloads 92
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In education practice, especially in teaching activities, the interaction betweenteachers and students are the most essential and substantial. Many samples show thatthis interaction is both harmonious and conflicting. The existence of theteacher-student conflicts has been used as another important perspective inunderstanding the teacher-student relationship. Ever since the 1990s, researchers haveundertaken theoretical research from the perspectives of sociology, education andpsychology, which has advanced and furthered the development of teacher-studentconflicts theories. However, the research of the theories needs to be improved andconcrete measures need to be taken in order for the development of education practiceand demand. Secondary art schools are a special part of the educational system of ourcountry. They are responsible for the double tasks of cultivating qualified candidatesfor art universities and colleges as well as training art talents, popularizing art andpromoting cultures. At present, the phenomenon of accentuating art specialties andneglecting general knowledge courses is very common. The students’ lack of abilityand interest and their psychological inversion toward the study make it difficult forthem to acquire satisfactory results in studying general knowledge courses. Theconflicts between teachers and students also affect the successful classroominstructions to a certain degree. Based on interviews and questionnaires, this papercombines the author’s professional knowledge and my own working experience toanalyze the influence of the teacher-student conflicts through a preliminaryexploration of the performances and causes of the conflicts at secondary art schools.The research attempts to find coping strategies to steer the conflicts toward soundprogress. In this way, harmonious teacher-student relationship will be constructed andharmonious campuses will be created.

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