Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > China's education > Educational reform and development

Construction and improvement of basic education reform process evaluation platform

Author LiuLiYing
Tutor ZhangGuiZuo
School Yunnan Normal University
Course Modern education
Keywords reform of evaluation system process evaluation electronic portfolio elementary education revolution
CLC G521
Type Master's thesis
Year 2008
Downloads 243
Quotes 2
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This paper reveals the important role of "process evaluation1’ in the evaluation system through addressing the reform of evaluation system in the "elementary education revolution". By a comprehensive analysis on the current situation of the "process evaluation" in China, the conclusion has been drawn that the "process evaluation" plays a key role in the success of the elementary educational curriculum revolution lately. This paper discusses the origin, development and the theory of the system of "process evaluation". The "electronic portfolio", the current tool used in "process evaluation", is introduced and explained on basis of discussion on the components of the system of "process evaluation". This paper describes roundly about the developmental background and theoretical basis of the "electronic portfolio", as well as the process of the invention of "electronic portfolio" by the authors using the technologies, such as "network disk", based on the original "electronic portfolio" system. Furthermore, through examples on comparative application, this paper demonstrates how to exert the function of "process evaluation" in daily teaching by taking advantage of the "electronic portfolio". It also demonstrates the future direction of this system’s development and its important function on elementary education revolution.

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