Dissertation > History, geography > History of China > Semi-colonial and semi -feudal society ( 1840 to 1949 ) > New Democratic Revolution Period (1919 ~ 1949 ) > During the Third Revolutionary Civil War ( the War of Liberation ) (1945 ~ 1949 )

Education Thought of Liberal Intellectuals After the Anti-japanese War

Author YangGuoJun
Tutor LiuGuiFu
School Liaoning Normal University
Course Modern Chinese History
Keywords Observed Weekly Liberals Education advocates
CLC K266
Type Master's thesis
Year 2010
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After the victory, the Chinese people hope that the path of peace and democracy . Watch magazine for the camp of liberal intellectuals called on China to embark on the track of Western democracy , they made ??many comments in the political , economic, educational and other aspects . In this paper, the observation weekly Perspective , advocate of liberal education . The thesis is divided into three chapters , the first chapter describes the founding of the \The second chapter describes the observed weekly education advocates , including on the strengthening of the liberal arts education ; opposition party Kuomintang government education ; advocacy of free education on the development of academic problems ; Overseas Education ; improve education the status quo, to improve the treatment of teachers ; About the university council . The third chapter is reflected in education advocated by the \Reflected in education advocate for the observed weekly analysis of three points: First , the libertarian concept of education ; education with a strong national salvation thought ; advocacy modern civic education . Also , these ideas inherited the idea of liberal intellectuals of the May Fourth period on educational issues .

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