Non - intellectual Factors in the vocational students in mathematics learning |
Author | NieHongXian |
Tutor | YaoWenXiao |
School | Yunnan Normal University |
Course | Subject Teaching |
Keywords | secondany vocational education mathematics learning nonintellective factors teaching strategy |
CLC | G633.6 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2009 |
Downloads | 200 |
Quotes | 0 |
In recent years, vocational education has been facing both flourishing opportunities and a plenty of difficulties. With the occurrence of fundamental changes of China’s education structure, the enrollment of higher education and regular secondary education has been increased year by year which brought about sudden drop of student source in secondary technical schools. The ill result led to lots of trouble in mathematical teaching in secondary technical schools. In such envirment, the reform of mathematics teaching is imperative. Therefore how to meet the demand of developing secondary technical education, improve students properly in such schools and train qualified labors is the imperative thing for every teaching staff.This thesis aims to improve the validity of mathematical study among secondary technical school students. The current situation of nonintellectual factor studies both at home and abroad is summarized on the base of documental analysis. It begins with the corelation between nonintellectual factor and mathematical study, and serious research and study was done. The study indicates the problems such as weak motivation ,lack of interest, indifferent passion, weak will exist at large in the mathematical study . To direct at such situation, the thesis starts with the improvement of good nonintellectual factors in mathematical study among secondary technical school students. Taking mathematics as subject carrier, the cultivation of motivation, interest,passion and will should be broken through under the guidance of educational psychology and mathematical didactics.The thesis provides the theoretical principle and teaching strategy in developing good nonintellectual factors of students.It improves that the theory is quite useful in developing motivation, interest, passion and will of mathematical study when students are at low level of nonintellectual factors through the impirical study of teaching strategy.The mathematical score is increased in the end and students’ comprehesive quality is developed.It is believed by the research that there are theoretical and practical meanings in the study of nonintellectual factors of mathematical study among secondary technical school students by selecting those students as objects.The part of the study in theoretical principle and teaching strategy is theoretically regarded as a supplement to related nonintellectual factors theory.Practically speaking, all teaching experiments involved could the problems that the mathematical teaching is undergoing in schools and advise the reform of mathematical teaching and related study in secondary technical schools.