The Junior Middle School English Based on Students’ Differences Effective Teaching Strategy Research |
Author | LiuLi |
Tutor | WangKunQing |
School | Central China Normal University |
Course | Education and management of |
Keywords | junior high school English effective teaching strategy students’ differences |
CLC | G633.41 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2011 |
Downloads | 56 |
Quotes | 0 |
Along with the global political economy and the development of China’s economic system reform, the school education faced a serious challenge, especially in foreign language teaching. At present our country foreign language teaching situation is much, poor profit:time-consuming, with surrounding countries foreign language teaching disparity is great. Our English education reform has made remarkable increase, but junior middle school English education status still can’t meet our country’s economic construction and social development needs.In order to embody the fairness of education, China has formulated the balanced development of education policy. Introduced cancel duty ZhongDianXiao education setting and the ZhongDianXiao policy for maximum to ensure students education opportunities by the fairness and justice. But students environment and the difference between individual student is objective existence, with the age and school age increase, the junior middle school students to study the differences of influence also increased, in the learning of various subjects in different degrees of reflecting. Due to the junior middle school English its discipline originally the features of these differences of teaching effect is more apparent.This paper respect in respect the new standard of the spirit of premise, by literature review method, individual interview methods including junior secondary school students, looking for due to the differences, think oneself junior secondary school students English learning difference is mainly composed of English language characteristics caused by environmental factors and the student main body factors. Which environmental factors include social environment and family environment, The student main body factors include age sex, learning motivation, intelligence varies, learning methods and learning habits, etc. While teaching to students’ differences existing problems including teachers’ teaching abilities is low and the teaching quality is yet to be improved, teaching method is dated back to remember, single, pay attention to ignore ability training, still adopt wins uncounted applaud and teaching media, and language environment construction of inadequacy, finally the targeted junior middle school English teaching strategy research, effectiveness, enhance the overall transformation junior students grades, from qualitative changes junior middle school English teaching quality and realize quality education in the junior middle school English teaching in application.