Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Radio electronics, telecommunications technology > Radar > Radar tracking system

The Application of the Target Tracking of Monopulse Tracking Radar

Author KongXiaoDan
Tutor ZhangLinRang
School Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology
Course Signal and Information Processing
Keywords Single pulse Tracking radar Kalman filter Radar data processing
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
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Monopulse tracking radar is the most widely used of a modern tracking radar , which uses the and difference beam angle measurement with high angle measurement accuracy , the information in a very short period of time to obtain the target angle error . Monopulse tracking radar ranging , speed and angle measurement performance and promote the use of digital signal processing technology has become the core of the radar signal processing . In this paper, a monopulse tracking radar signal processor as the background , the first distance, speed and angle of the monopulse tracking radar tracking measurement principle to make elaborate . And then discussed in the above discussed on the basis of basic linear filtering of radar data processing algorithms including the Kalman filter algorithm , described in detail the process of Kalman filter algorithm , the algorithm is given recursive block diagram , and a brief analysis of the Kalman filtering algorithm should pay attention to. Finally, the actual test of the external field on the basis of the collected data , a monopulse tracking radar tracking performance through simulation analysis of the test data to make estimates and Kalman filter algorithm simulation data . Simulation results show the good performance of the radar tracking Kalman filtering effect , the uniform of the target changes .

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