Analysis of Higher Educational Informatization Issues and Its Policy Research |
Author | SunXingCheng |
Tutor | YanGuangCai |
School | East China Normal University |
Course | Higher Education |
Keywords | College education information technology policy advice questionnaire survey |
CLC | G434 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2011 |
Downloads | 75 |
Quotes | 0 |
The information revolutions have a profound influence on the higher education of our country. The information and communication technologies (ICTs) and multimedia technologies, which are looked as the core of achieving higher education informatization education, have brought new opportunities for the manage、teaching、research and resource of campus. However, the rapid development and reform of universities is faced with many new situations, which result in emerging some problems in the process of higher education informatization, such as lack of unified management and planning, education information policy is not sound, teaching information resources construction lag, lack of information talent, inadequate funding, differential treatment of schools betwween hardware and software construction, lack of the reasonable evaluation system, etc. This paper study some problems like the higher education information policy theory, the condition of carrying out informationization, the existence question and the reason, the policy suggestion for the future development,and etc. The main researches in this paper are presented as following:Firstly, some policy theories for higher education informatization are discussed. Based on literature method and expert consultation method, this paper investigate the concept definition of higher education informatization policy, its connotation and research content, analyzing its characteristics and requirements. Furthermore, the paper still presents the research status of higher education informatization policy in different regions, and makes a comparative analysis.Secondly, the implementations of university education informatization are investigated. With an S ordinary university as an example, the questionnaire are formed according to contents of the manage、teaching and research of campus in order to comprehensively,objectively and truly understand the situation about university informatization. The EXCEL 2003and SPSS 11.5 software are employed to deal with the research data and to carry on statistical analysis including frequency analysis, variance analysis, a chi-square test, crosstabs annalysis,mean annalysis,etc.independent samplet-test and regression analysis,campare means analysis. Taking the analysis results as the basis, this paper also discusses the problems of higher education infomatization.Thirdly, the policy suggestions are proposed. Integrating with the existing problems for higher education infomatization, this paper investegate the strategies to solve these problems and give improvement measures and policy suggestions from three aspects of the state, local and university.The purpose is to provide science policy and provide the basis while making policy of universities education infomatization, practising higer education infomatization and evaluating the ordinary university informatization level.