Li Siguang Spirit and Value of Ideological and Political Education |
Author | LuYueWei |
Tutor | ZhangXiuRong;WeiLei |
School | Chinese Geology University (Beijing) |
Course | Marxist theory |
Keywords | Li Siguang spirit ideological and political education value |
CLC | K826.14 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2011 |
Downloads | 75 |
Quotes | 0 |
Li Siguang geological cause of China’s important and geological science pioneer and one of the founders. Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou Enlai and other party and state leaders of China had evaluated Li Siguang "banner of science and technology." Li Siguang the unique spirit of the spirit, as Li Siguang disposition, it is the embodiment of national spirit.Li Siguang spiritual formation and development is not easy, has its specific historical conditions and historical stage. Li Siguang spiritual formation conditions of the objective conditions and subjective combined result. Li Siguang spiritual formation and development can be roughly divided into four stages: the embryonic stage, the initial formation stage, the formative stage and mature stage.Li Siguang spirit is Li Siguang study and work in the long-term career in the gradual accumulation of forming, making it a great patriot, outstanding scientists and prominent party members of those fine qualities. Major human and scientific spirit encompasses two aspects. Human spirit, including but plans country strong, not seeking glory patriotism has; the party faithful, loyalty unto death of the noble character; go for educating people, rejuvenating the spirit to play only as a duty; Sea, the collective wisdom of the spirit of democracy. Spirit of science, including hard work, enterprising spirit of self-improvement; pragmatic and innovative spirit climb; Cease to struggle and the spirit of ceaseless quest; devotion to duty unto death have dedication. Li Siguang The Main features include: Humanities and the scientific quality of the uniform; traditional culture and spirit of the times of collision; national spirit and the world trend of the blend; personal ideals with the social development of the combination.Li Siguang spirit of ideological and political education is mainly reflected in two aspects, namely, universal value and exceptional value. The spirit of universal value means Li Siguang ideological and political education in general value and significance of the object. Mainly refers to the spirit of special value Li Siguang colleges and students of geology and geological value and utility workers. This spirit of ideological and political education of Li Siguang Approaches to the value of the main ideological and political education from the theoretical study of how to achieve and how to practice in daily life both to expand.